jquery-backstretch / jquery-backstretch

Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.
MIT License
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HTMLVideoElement.webkitExitFullscreen()' is deprecated in base.js #481

Open Wildernesss opened 6 years ago

Wildernesss commented 6 years ago

[Deprecation] 'HTMLVideoElement.webkitExitFullscreen()' is deprecated. Please use 'Document.exitFullscreen()' instead.


Could it ne possible to correct this deprecated code signaled by Chrome? Apparently just replacing HTMLVideoElement.webkitExitFullscreen() by Document.exitFullscreen() at line 2241 of base.js could resolve the problem. Just a little bit afraid that in the futur Backstretch won't work anymore with video in the background if this is not done.

By the way: thanks a million for this great tool: Jquery-backstretch is definitely the best Javascript background manager ever seen!

Laurent :o)

fromaline commented 3 years ago

@Wildernesss hi! But document.exitFullscreen() does not exit fullscreen mode on IPhone. Also I can't find any deprecated flag in Apple's documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkitjs/htmlvideoelement/1629468-webkitexitfullscreen