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The JavaScript Style Guide incorrectly says all projects use JSHint #141

Open mgol opened 8 years ago

mgol commented 8 years ago

The JavaScript Style Guide incorrectly says:

Every jQuery project has a Grunt task for linting all JavaScript files: grunt jshint

and then describes the JSHint config. jQuery Core uses ESLint for linting and doesn't have .jshintrc or the jshint Grunt task.

JuanMaRuiz commented 5 years ago

Hi, I would like to help with this issue. How can I help with it? Where can I find the documentation about eslint configuration? All the links in this page are broken

Best regards.

dmethvin commented 5 years ago

@JuanMaRuiz at the point this documentation was written, we envisioned that all the projects would share a common setup as far as specific tools and style. However, as we've grown it seems less like a good idea.

I think it might be better to have a general statement here that says something to the effect of, "We recommend that each project create code a code style that the team agrees represents best practice, and enforce those practices with tools like ESLint and Prettier. However, each project is free to use their tools of choice to accomplish this." I suspect this could replace nearly the whole page. What does everyone else think about doing that?

kswedberg commented 5 years ago

@dmethvin that sounds reasonable to me