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Create Prose Style Guide #75

Open scottgonzalez opened 10 years ago

scottgonzalez commented 10 years ago

Most of http://learn.jquery.com/style-guide/ should be moved here as the prose style guide spans everything from READMEs to API documentation to articles and tutorials.

The index page will need to be updated as well, as that links to the various existing guides.

marti1125 commented 10 years ago

Hi @scottgonzalez, how to can I contribute on this?

scottgonzalez commented 10 years ago

To start, you should read through http://contribute.jquery.org/ and http://learn.jquery.com/style-guide/. Then you could send a PR with a first draft.

marti1125 commented 10 years ago

(everything from READMEs to API documentation to articles and tutorials) I am new, where are READMEs =? could you give me the links?

scottgonzalez commented 10 years ago

READMEs are in all of the various repositories. To be honest, a large part of this task requires the knowledge of someone immersed in this community.

marti1125 commented 10 years ago

@scottgonzalez well I will try with this https://github.com/jquery/sizzle it is ok?

kswedberg commented 10 years ago

@marti1125 You might want to start with the one at https://github.com/jquery/api.jquery.com/blob/master/README.md

Let me know if you have any questions about it.

pablofiumara commented 9 years ago

I need some confirmation.

Do you wish to have the information in http://learn.jquery.com/style-guide/ distributed inside pages at http://contribute.jquery.org/ ?

scottgonzalez commented 9 years ago

The style guide needs to move out of the various locations that it currently exists, including http://learn.jquery.com/style-guide/, and into http://contribute.jquery.org/style-guide/prose/.

pablofiumara commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

I will send you a pull request with a first draft in the next few days.

scottgonzalez commented 9 years ago

@pablofiu That's great. If you have any questions, just ask here or in #jquery-content on IRC.

pablofiumara commented 9 years ago

Thank you, Scott.

pablofiumara commented 9 years ago

I have just sent you a pull request jquery/contribute.jquery.org#87 There, you will see a draft of the solution to issue jquery/contribute.jquery.org#75

scottgonzalez commented 9 years ago

See https://github.com/jquery/learn.jquery.com/issues/285 for more details.

agcolom commented 9 years ago

With regards to code output placement, we agreed to use // > on its own line. We might then choose to replace this with whatever we decide is more suitable on build (e.g. ➡ or → or something else) otherwise, keep >, see https://github.com/jquery/globalize/issues/313

arthurvr commented 9 years ago

Slightly related: Markdown "code" style is something else I'd like to document one day. Do we want new lines under headings, hard wrapping, how do we make lists, ...

agcolom commented 8 years ago

Adding a note here regarding the use of instead of " " in the api docs where appropriate. (From today's content meeting)

jzaefferer commented 8 years ago

Recommendations for README content: https://the-pastry-box-project.net/charlotte-spencer/2015-september-16

Some tools that we might be able to integrate: