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Themes: Start, Trontastic, Vader #569

Open ferda-mravenec opened 3 years ago

ferda-mravenec commented 3 years ago

Yesterday I downloaded all themes. This was first time I use themes. For these particular schemes I have entered the CSS Scope as:

  1. "start"
  2. "Trontastic"
  3. "Vader" I have also downloaded the rest of themes. Today I have corrected the generated .css files to its correct scope name as section.start, section.trontastic and section.Vader.

Now because this was made automaticly, I got incorrect results number. So I have made regex to find that odds in files.

Lets start with: jquery-ui.css


/ no icon support for input elements / inputstart .ui-button.ui-button-icon-only { text-indent: 0; }


inputstart .ui-button::-moz-focus-inner, buttonstart .ui-button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; } What is the inpustart and buttonstart tags?

For more mistakes seek for these words: astart a:linkstart a:visitedstart etc.

trontastic and vader has the sameproblems like "inputtrontastic"

Now I have downloaded the start them again this time with "section.start" scope

It's still like: / no icon support for input elements / inputstart .ui-button.ui-button-icon-only { text-indent: 0; }

mgol commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report. I think this is written in a way that doesn't really work with elements but with classes so you need to prepend a dot to the provided name. @fnagel do you have any insights here?

fnagel commented 3 years ago

Mhhhh. As far as I know, you are right. You need to use something like .my-selector as the scope.

Regarding the input .ui-button.ui-button-icon-only rule, I assume there is an glitch in the logic, as the scope should be a prefix, not a selector for the input element.

ferda-mravenec commented 3 years ago

I have corrected the css files as you can find in my ferda-mravenec/ui repo