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jQuery UI v1.13 getNumber RegExp not working for dateRange #2264

Open glanujnehra opened 1 month ago

glanujnehra commented 1 month ago


Due to the changes introduced in jQuery UI v1.13 for function getNumber selecting dateRange from date clear out to date

getNumber = function( match ) {
      var isDoubled = lookAhead( match ),
      size = ( match === "@" ? 14 : ( match === "!" ? 20 :
      ( match === "y" && isDoubled ? 4 : ( match === "o" ? 3 : 2 ) ) ) ),
      minSize = ( match === "y" ? size : 1 ),
      digits = new RegExp( "^\\d{" + minSize + "," + size + "}" ),
      num = value.substring( iValue ).match( digits );
      if ( !num ) {
      throw "Missing number at position " + iValue;
      iValue += num[ 0 ].length;
      return parseInt( num[ 0 ], 10 );


Updating jQuery UI from v1.9.2 to v1.13.2 changes the behaviour of getNumber function which extract a number from the string value. The issue was also observed when switching to version 1.12.1


changing v1.13.2 digits = new RegExp( "^\\d{" + minSize + "," + size + "}" ), to v1.9.2 digits = new RegExp('^\\d{1,' + size + '}'),

will fix the issue.


wwwwww Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 1 37 05 AM

Affected Product

Magento -> Admin -> Reports -> Products -> Ordered


Missing number at position 5

Link to test case

mgol commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the report. Since the issue is already in 1.12, given limited team resources it's not likely to be fixed by the UI team; see the project status at https://blog.jqueryui.com/2021/10/jquery-maintainers-update-and-transition-jquery-ui-as-part-of-overall-modernization-efforts/. PRs are welcome if they're not too complex and contain tests.

Please also provide a runnable test case on JS Bin or similar. Just seeing a screenshot from a full app is not enough.