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The selectmenuselect event erroneously fires, despite not making a selection #2317

Open dannybeckett opened 3 days ago

dannybeckett commented 3 days ago

This is the same exact bug from 2017 which was filed at https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15115/#comment:1

The comment is more accurate than the OP's post.

The OP gives an example at http://jsbin.com/cubulifice/edit?html,js,console,output

If you open the dropdown menu, then click outside of the dropdown to close it, and rinse and repeat a few times - the event fires, even though nothing was selected.

This can be fixed by inserting this code after function() { :

if($('#speed-menu .ui-menu-item').is(':hidden')) {
  console.log('Ignoring erroneous selection');

Similarly, here is my own example: https://jsfiddle.net/eucq05ok/

In my own tests, it is easier to reproduce the bug if you hover over some of the options before clicking outside of the dropdown.

This can be fixed by inserting the same code, but changing #speed-menu to #area-menu.

I observed this bug on the latest version of jQuery (3.7.1) and the latest version of jQuery UI (1.14.1).

mgol commented 1 day ago

Thanks for the report. Does the issue you describe exist when jQuery UI 1.12.1 is used or only with jQuery UI 1.13.0 or newer?

dannybeckett commented 1 day ago

Thanks for the report. Does the issue you describe exist when jQuery UI 1.12.1 is used or only with jQuery UI 1.13.0 or newer?

The bug report from 2017 uses jQuery UI 1.11.3 - so the bug is present before 1.12.1

mgol commented 1 day ago

Thanks for the info. Since the issue is already in 1.12, given limited team resources it's not likely to be fixed by the UI team; see the project status at https://blog.jqueryui.com/2021/10/jquery-maintainers-update-and-transition-jquery-ui-as-part-of-overall-modernization-efforts/. PRs are welcome if they're not too complex and contain tests.

dannybeckett commented 23 hours ago

Thanks for the info. Since the issue is already in 1.12, given limited team resources it's not likely to be fixed by the UI team; see the project status at https://blog.jqueryui.com/2021/10/jquery-maintainers-update-and-transition-jquery-ui-as-part-of-overall-modernization-efforts/. PRs are welcome if they're not too complex and contain tests.

Ok thanks for your help!