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Adopt an Organization wide Code of Conduct #104

Closed gnarf closed 8 years ago

gnarf commented 9 years ago

CC Everyone involved with jQuery

I think we need to publish a Code of Conduct to cover all events and online spaces we moderate (IRC, github, etc). I think we should have the board, and the teams in full agreement on this CoC, and "vote" on it just like we would anything else.

I think we should start with some minor modifications to the Django CoC https://www.djangoproject.com/conduct/ (please read, click on each of the sidebar links too, all of the pages are a part of the CoC). The Django policies are already modified to apply to online spaces and events, as well as have some great rules for editing/approving changes in place.

Unless anyone has big objections today or tomorrow, I'll get a PR made for bringing this content over from Django, and open it up for further refinement.

cc @jquery/directors @jquery/advisors @jquery/operations @jquery/project-leads @jquery/chassis @jquery/core @jquery/mobile @jquery/ui @jquery/qunit @jquery/esprima @jquery/content @jquery/globalize @jquery/pep

arthurvr commented 9 years ago

I'm all for this! :+1:

Thanks for bringing this up, @gnarf!

mikesherov commented 9 years ago


rxaviers commented 9 years ago


sfrisk commented 9 years ago


On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:14 AM, Rafael Xavier de Souza < notifications@github.com> wrote:


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jquery/jquery.org/issues/104#issuecomment-114168187.

Sarah Frisk sarahfrisk.com

Twitter: twitter.com/SarahFrisk LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sarahfrisk Github: github.com/sfrisk

jaspermdegroot commented 9 years ago


jaubourg commented 9 years ago


isaacdurazo commented 9 years ago


arschmitz commented 9 years ago


jzaefferer commented 9 years ago

The Django Code of Conduct itself looks pretty straightforward and should be simple to adopt (replace Django* with jQuery*). One thing that may need discussion: Will we have a similar Code of Conduct Committee (or Working Group?), to monitor conduct@jquery.org? If so, who's going to be in that group? Will they also report to the board? If so, how? How would appeal's work, that is, how would someone contact the board to appeal a ban? Looks like the DSF forms the committee (aka working group) from board members.

leobalter commented 9 years ago



brianloveswords commented 9 years ago


Wilto commented 9 years ago


gnarf commented 9 years ago

One thing that may need discussion: Will we have a similar Code of Conduct Committee (or Working Group?), to monitor conduct@jquery.org? If so, who's going to be in that group?

I would imagine we could open it up for volunteers, looking specifically for timezone coverage, community, team, and board representation.

brianleroux commented 9 years ago


kswedberg commented 9 years ago

:+1: x :100:

aulvi commented 9 years ago


ajpiano commented 9 years ago

:+1: :earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia:

timmywil commented 9 years ago

:boom: :+1:

kborchers commented 9 years ago


ryanneufeld commented 9 years ago


jacobroufa commented 9 years ago

👍I'm available and willing to help on whatever. Great initiative!

jeresig commented 9 years ago

Fantastic - thank you @gnarf! :+1:

scottgonzalez commented 9 years ago

Just getting to this now that I'm back from vacation. Along with what Jörn said, I think there needs to be some discussion about how everything will be managed, how we ensure new/upcoming team members are both aware of our policies and able to help enforce them. I'd like to participate in any discussions that occur.

RedWolves commented 9 years ago

I see W3C has a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct which I thought was worth looking at.

scottgonzalez commented 9 years ago

W3C is pretty good about publicly reminding everyone about their conduct rules whenever someone misbehaves on a mailing list.

scottgonzalez commented 9 years ago

We may also want to draw from LibrePlanet's Code of Conduct and Anti-harassment policy. As usual, they touch on some of the more political/agenda pushing areas.

gnarf commented 9 years ago

Opened PR #105 and a jquery-wp-content PR https://github.com/jquery/jquery-wp-content/issues/367

gnarf commented 9 years ago

@scottgonzalez could you possibly figure out where you'd want to inject parts of that document and add a commit to the conduct branch? I like most of what I see there.

gabrielschulhof commented 9 years ago


robbbz commented 9 years ago


Side: have you ever thought about diversity in the jQuery team? Except a few, you're all male, most straight, plus-minus same age, ...

JacquesPerrault commented 9 years ago

@robbbz Has diversity been an issue in other Open Source organizations? Can you point at examples of how it has been addressed?

robbbz commented 9 years ago

@JacquesPerrault Are you implying diversity is not an issue? If you see pictures like this I think it's pretty clear: https://twitter.com/jeresig/status/613888901778833412.

dmethvin commented 9 years ago

@robbz I think our feeling is that the first step in increasing diversity is to create a code of conduct. It's a good foundation don't you think? There are certainly steps that need to be taken after that, and we've committed to doing so. If you have suggestions let us know.

JacquesPerrault commented 9 years ago

@robbz I was merely asking if you had any examples from other open source orgs that we could frame our conversation around, just as @gnarf did when he started this thread.

robbbz commented 9 years ago

@dmethvin Can you give me some days and I'll write up a decent, longer answer? A CoC isn't about diversity it's about conduct. It's all about encouraging other people to contribute, which you're doing fundamentally wrong at the moment, more of an explanation following.

@JacquesPerrault you implied that it wasn't a problem, which I'd like apologies for.

dmethvin commented 9 years ago

@robbbz certainly! I certainly understand that diversity is a larger topic than just a CoC. My point was that if we are hostile to people (intentionally or accidentally) based on race, gender, etc. it will discourage them from participating.

JacquesPerrault commented 9 years ago

@robbbz I fully embrace diversity, both personally and professionally. I certify to IBM's Diversity policy, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender policy, and Persons with Disabilities policy on an annual basis. I should have been absolutely clear on that on my first post, and I apologize for implying anything less!

ryanneufeld commented 9 years ago

I think what he meant was that it hadn't been raised as an issue yet.

Diversity is a tough challenge for any organization. A solid CoC is a great first step in the right direction don't you think?

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015, 07:33 robbbz notifications@github.com wrote:

@dmethvin https://github.com/dmethvin Can you give me some days and I'll write up a decent, longer answer? A CoC isn't about diversity it's about conduct. It's all about encouraging other people to contribute, which you're doing fundamentally wrong at the moment, more of an explanation following.

@JacquesPerrault https://github.com/JacquesPerrault you implied that it wasn't a problem, which I'd like apologies for.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jquery/jquery.org/issues/104#issuecomment-121975270.

JacquesPerrault commented 9 years ago

@dmethvin I agree -- a CoC can create a level playing field that enables contributors to be inclusive overall regardless of whether it's diversity of opinions, cultures, genders or other issues. Examples of how other orgs handle CoC include: Apache which includes diversity IN it's code of conduct : http://community.apache.org/newbiefaq.html#NewbieFAQ-IsthereaCodeofConductforApacheprojects? and OpenStack which formed a specific diversity committee https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Diversity

gnarf commented 9 years ago

Side: have you ever thought about diversity in the jQuery team? Except a few, you're all male, most straight, plus-minus same age, ...

It is an issue, and @jeresig has started an initiative to try to fix this. I'm also interested in attracting more diverse community and collaborators, and I think having a good CoC makes it easier to approach the project as a member of a minorty group.

The problem we face is that being mostly volunteer, we attract people with "spare time" which happen to in a lot of cases be cis straight white males.

Also, please be careful of how you judge people based on avatar pics, I'd hope you wouldn't assume we are all straight. If you counted me in the "male" group, you'd be wrong.

robbbz commented 9 years ago

Glad to hear that, Corey. Can you link me the relevant discussions?

Also, please be careful of how you judge people based on avatar pics, I'd hope you wouldn't assume we are all straight. If you counted me in the "male" group, you'd be wrong.

I really didn't judge based on avatars. I'm personally transsexual and found it terrible when people judged me based on pictures on Twitter or IRC.

gnarf commented 9 years ago

Glad to hear that, Corey. Can you link me the relevant discussions?

There isn't any "link" to them, though if you wanted to open an issue here on jquery.org to bring up the topic in a more open space and start the public discussion we link to, please do.

I really didn't judge based on avatars.


dmethvin commented 8 years ago

Would it make sense to adopt the Open Code of Conduct and build off that?

gnarf commented 8 years ago

Dave, there is a lot of work already done on #105

gnarf commented 8 years ago

Also Dave, that code seems to be based from the same one that Django used, so it is very similar in format to what we have in #105. Is there something particular about that code of conduct you feel ours is missing? (Please add comments to this regard over on that PR) On Jul 20, 2015 21:58, "Dave Methvin" notifications@github.com wrote:

Would it make sense to adopt the Open Code of Conduct http://todogroup.org/blog/open-code-of-conduct/ and build off that?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jquery/jquery.org/issues/104#issuecomment-123128041.

leobalter commented 8 years ago


leobalter commented 8 years ago

My last comment was pretty useless, but I really wanted to express my excitement.

Thanks @gnarf for bringing this spectacular job.