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jQuery .load function errors if loading html with auto-removing script tag #5377

Closed Zecr closed 4 months ago

Zecr commented 5 months ago


jQuery .load function errors if loading html with auto-removing script tag. Callback function is not executed.

While this is kind of a non-issue as jQuery removes scripts with the .load function anyways and can be fixed just by removing the document.currentScript.remove(); from the loaded file, it sort of breaks stuff when I need that file to be loaded elsewhere via different methods and do require the script removal.

Link to test case

Not sure how to demonstrate the .load function with the links provided as I need more than 1 file to show the error. So, here's the two html files needed to reproduce the issue.

File: test.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <span id="light_dark_msg">
                if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: light)").matches) {
                        "<b>P.S.</b> Have you tried viewing this site with your browser in dark mode?"
                } else {
                        "<b>P.S.</b> Have you tried viewing this site with your browser in light mode?"
                document.currentScript.remove(); // This causes jQuery to error if attempting to load this page as the script is already gone by the time the jQuery script remover gets to it.

File: test2.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.js"></script>
            $(document).ready(() => {
                $("#main").load("test.html", function () {
                    // Function errors out. Callback function not executed.
                    this.dispatchEvent(new Event("loading_complete"));
        <div id="main"></div>

Error message:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild')
    at DOMEval (jquery-3.7.1.js:130:44)
    at domManip (jquery-3.7.1.js:5951:8)
    at jQuery.fn.init.append (jquery-3.7.1.js:6088:10)
    at jQuery.fn.init.<anonymous> (jquery-3.7.1.js:6182:18)
    at access (jquery-3.7.1.js:3905:8)
    at jQuery.fn.init.html (jquery-3.7.1.js:6149:10)
    at Object.<anonymous> (jquery-3.7.1.js:10229:9)
    at fire (jquery-3.7.1.js:3223:31)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-3.7.1.js:3353:7)
    at done (jquery-3.7.1.js:9627:14)
ShadBalti commented 5 months ago

🛠️ Addressing .load Function Error: Auto-Removing Script Tag

Thank you for bringing attention to this issue! The problem with the .load function encountering errors when loading HTML with auto-removing script tags is crucial. This occurs due to the script tags being automatically stripped during the loading process, causing unexpected behavior.

Issue Summary

The current behavior leads to errors and may not handle the situation gracefully. Here's a suggested workaround to mitigate the problem:


$("#targetElement").load("your.html", function(response, status, xhr) {
    if (status == "error") {
        // Handle error here, maybe log or alert
        console.error("Error loading HTML:", xhr.statusText);
    } else {
        // Success logic
        console.log("HTML loaded successfully!");

        // Your additional logic here, if needed


The provided snippet includes an error-handling mechanism to manage cases where loading encounters issues. The status parameter in the callback function can be utilized to check for errors. If an error occurs, it logs the details using console.error. On successful loading, the success logic is executed.

Proposed Resolution

It would be beneficial for the .load function to handle scenarios with auto-removing script tags more gracefully. This could involve providing an option to suppress automatic removal or offering a more informative error handling approach. Looking forward to the community's thoughts on this and a potential resolution to enhance the reliability of the .load function in such scenarios. 👍

Zecr commented 4 months ago

Thank you :)