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duplicate swatch css #108

Open McWatt opened 12 years ago

McWatt commented 12 years ago

I created a 4 swatch theme and the generated CSS has duplicated styles for two of the swatches (B and C in my specific case).

shared theme link: http://jquerymobile.com/themeroller/?ver=1.1.1&style_id=20120907-62

tybenz commented 12 years ago

Can you provide more specifics about the steps you took to create the theme?

I can tell that if you download the theme you can just rip those two swatches out of the CSS, but that won't help identify how ThemeRoller made the error occur.

If you can figure out how to recreate the error and post it, that would be a big help. Things I'm looking for are:

I know remembering all of that may be tough, and if you can't recreate the error from scratch don't worry. I'll do a sweep through the add/duplicate/delete code either way. Some steps to recreate the error would just help me narrow it down.

McWatt commented 12 years ago

Off the top of my head, I remember doing the following:

These are things I did, but may not have been to this particular theme. I may have re-loaded a previous theme via a share link. I also may have used undo on this theme. Unfortunately i can't remember exactly what I did to which theme.

I saved some previous versions of the theme. This is the one before I added swatch D, and before the duplicated CSS appeared:


For the one with the duplicate css, when I load it now, I see two broken swatches that were not there before (E and F).

I got my theme back to a working state by manually ripping out the duplicated css and importing it into ThemeRoller.

McWatt commented 12 years ago

Try this:

I believe this causes the duplicated CSS issue, but haven't been able to confirm. I am using the latest stable release of Chrome (ver. 21).