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ThemeRoller should allow for arbitrary swatch lettering #62

Closed commadelimited closed 12 years ago

commadelimited commented 12 years ago

Many of us use the default A-E swatches for various things, but want to have additional options. For example I created a red button theme for use on delete or cancel buttons, and a green button theme for use on save buttons. I don't want to overwrite A-E, nor do I want to save a local copy of A-E when I can use the CDN version of the CSS file.

I would like to recommend that the team allows us to either arbitrarily name swatches, or restart swatch lettering from an arbitrary point. Say I want my custom swatches to go from N - P. I would have in production the CDN version of 1.0.css and my custom theme CSS file.

tybenz commented 12 years ago

To achieve the desired effect, there is something you can do:

  1. Start with the default theme
  2. Add X amount of swatches until the desired letter range is showing
  3. Theme your swatches (say N-P)
  4. Download the theme file
  5. Use text editor to remove swatches unwanted swatches (A-M)
  6. If using the CDN hosted CSS, you can also remove all styling after your last swatch (P)

I realize this is not ideal, but this use case is fairly arbitrary, so for now, this how it can be achieved