jr-robotics / robo-gym-robot-servers

Repository containing Robot Servers ROS packages
MIT License
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Problem of download #11

Closed kankanzheli closed 2 years ago

kankanzheli commented 2 years ago

I am using ubuntu18 with ros melodic When I running "rosdep install --from-paths src -i -y --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO " It will return: ERROR: the following rosdeps failed to install apt: command [sudo -H apt-get install -y ros-melodic-franka-example-controllers] failed

How can I solve that?

kankanzheli commented 2 years ago

ros-melodic-franka-example-controllers: dependency: ros-melodic-panda-moveit-config, but it will not be installed

E: The error cannot be fixed because you require some packages to remain as they are, because they break the dependencies between packages.