Originally posted by **Adarsh3559** July 25, 2022
Hello Everyone and Thanks Matteo Lucchi and other Authors for The Robo-gym framework as it is pretty interesting.
I was going through the GitHub Repository and tried following the steps but I am facing problems. Actually, I am new to RL and I am finding it difficult to start.
I am trying to implement a similar task which you implemented using universal robot.
I have windows 11 operating system and I have created an environment using Anaconda and have installed libraries and robo-gym, gym as mentioned in readme. Also I installed Ubuntu 20.04.4 on my windows and cloned the repository using **mkdir -p ~/robogym_ws/src && cd ~/robogym_ws/src && git clone https://github.com/jr-robotics/robo-gym-robot-servers.git** in ubuntu terminal. Then i am trying **~/robogym_ws/src/robo-gym-robot-servers/install.sh** and is says there is no such file or directory. and i dont dont know how to proceed forward.
As I tried running the file in folder stable-baselines/td3_script.py and I received a error **Failed to connect to server manager.**
Could you kindly explain in brief steps how to get started with server manager and robot servers and set it up on my laptop, since I am perplexed and unable to proceed?
I would appreciate it if you could assist me as I am eager to complete and try my task with robo-gym.
Awaiting answers.
Thanks and Regards,
Adarsh Sharma
Discussed in https://github.com/jr-robotics/robo-gym/discussions/62