5 Properties - Mass, Period or Ro , Magnetic Energy B^2, Poloidal/Toroidal, Axisymmetry
Usual Approach:
Plot Mass vs. Period with the other 3 variables represented by point size, color, and marker shape.
Useful Notes:
Looks like axisymmetry and or poloidal vs. toroidal simply described by variables [0,1], but see Table 9 of Morin+ 10; for axisymmetry use number to left of slash
References: Morin+ 10 (2010MNRAS.407.2269M) ; Morin+ 08 (2008MNRAS.390..567M); many others
below is from Morin 2010
Size of points is an issue, the area of marker face is not conserved; creates a strange effect when comparing large axisymmetric points and non-axisymmetric points
-When points are too big, they obscure other points on the plot with the effect of almost hiding data
polygon (octagons etc.) vs. pointy star has to be different
Need to have legends and colorbars that are intuitive and informative
color scheme is not perceptually uniform
What is the dynamic range of the variables? what should be the range of the plot devices; mappings from variables to plotting space
Try replacing one of the representations with a change in alpha instead, like open vs closed points for magnetic energy or poloidal/toroidal
Conserve area in marker size or replace size changes altogether
Since magnetic energy is B^2, if it is presented using the area of the marker point, then the radius of the point goes as ~B
Divergent color scheme for poloidal vs. toroidal
Change the color scales to color blind friendly schemes
What if you only colorize one property and plot 3 plots with each showing a different variable in color (Jim)
Use new marker shape; can the marker shape changes be reflective conceptually of the variable in question; dumbbell shapes? (Jim)
What if you switch up which property is conveyed by which aspect of the plot, color for magnetic energy?
Try to keep continuous variables with continuous plot representations?
Remake version of plot above with new concepts,
General python package that anyone can use, with flexible inputs (for non standard confusograms)
If something useful comes of this consider submitting it as part of the proceedings?
Standard Confusogram:
5 Properties - Mass, Period or Ro , Magnetic Energy B^2, Poloidal/Toroidal, Axisymmetry
Usual Approach:
Plot Mass vs. Period with the other 3 variables represented by point size, color, and marker shape.
Useful Notes:
Looks like axisymmetry and or poloidal vs. toroidal simply described by variables [0,1], but see Table 9 of Morin+ 10; for axisymmetry use number to left of slash
References: Morin+ 10 (2010MNRAS.407.2269M) ; Morin+ 08 (2008MNRAS.390..567M); many others
below is from Morin 2010
-When points are too big, they obscure other points on the plot with the effect of almost hiding data