jrallison / authlogic_oauth

Authlogic OAuth is an extension of the Authlogic library to add OAuth support. OAuth can be used to allow users to login with their Twitter credentials.
MIT License
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Could not find user issue #4

Open mleung opened 14 years ago

mleung commented 14 years ago

I'm getting the following error when trying to log in using authlogic_oauth and twitter:

1 error prohibited this user session from being saved

There were problems with the following fields:

Could not find user in our database, have you registered with your oauth account?

Shouldn't this work like facebook connect, and create the account in the users table when it successfully comes back from twitter? I could just be missing something obvious. Thanks for any insight.

atrophic commented 14 years ago

The example given requires registration first, then logins will work. I too wish it behaved as you described and am trying to no avail to get it to work as such. Any tips from anybody on how to do so would be appreciated.

MSchmidt commented 14 years ago


atrophic commented 14 years ago

I ended up going with a much more simple authentication setup (and sacrificing the flexibility that authlogic offers in the process, which is okay for my use). Twitter-auth was a breeze to set up and doesn't differentiate between register and login.

I'm still hoping to come back to authlogic eventually, as it'd be nice to offer more auth methods than just twitter.