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Tag filtering #84

Open Lownin opened 4 years ago

Lownin commented 4 years ago

I'm using org-roam with deft.

In notational velocity, specifically nvALT, I can tag things and then search/sort tags.

I'd love in deft to be able to do similar, and additionally filter specific tags if possible.

Since org-roam uses the #+ROAM_TAGS: destination, it'd be great if I could specify arbitrary tag designations to filter for in the config.

EFLS commented 4 years ago

I'm unfamiliar with Org-roam, but does it use any character to designate words as tags? Like #tag for example?

I use both # and @ for tags in my Deft notes, and can easily retrieve them by including them in the search string, like with #tag.

Lownin commented 4 years ago

org-roam tag destination looks like...

#+roam_tags: emacs org-roam note-taking

I can search for "note-taking" in deft, but I have no way that I'm aware of of either specifically limiting my search to specific tags, or sorting tag results at the top, or even seeing which results are because of a tag or because of content.