jrblevin / markdown-mode

Emacs Markdown Mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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preserve indent-tabs-mode in markdown-edit-code-block #816

Open froh opened 1 year ago

froh commented 1 year ago

Expected Behavior

When I edit a nested code block using markdown-edit-code-block and I reindent it in the edit-indirect buffer, it's indentation should be preserved when I commit the edit back to the markdown document.

Actual Behavior

The indent-rigidly in markdown--edit-indirect-after-commit-function gets a region indented according to the default settings of indent-tabs-mode and tab-width, which may easily mismatch the markdown document's settings (in my case: markdown set to indent with spaces, default however is tabs). poor indent-rigidly can't but mess up at this time.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. create markdown document with a nested code block, nested deep enough
  2. edit it (C-c ')
  3. indent it (C-M-q)
  4. commit back (C-c C-c)

see the broken indentation. I have a simple solution proposal, so no cut&paste example.



Software Versions

froh commented 1 year ago

proposed fix: preserve the relevant buffer-local settings, see ===>> and <<===

(defun markdown-edit-code-block ()
  "Edit Markdown code block in an indirect buffer."
    (if (fboundp 'edit-indirect-region)
        (let* ((bounds (markdown-get-enclosing-fenced-block-construct))
               (begin (and bounds (not (null (nth 0 bounds))) (goto-char (nth 0 bounds)) (line-beginning-position 2)))
               (end (and bounds(not (null (nth 1 bounds)))  (goto-char (nth 1 bounds)) (line-beginning-position 1))))
          (if (and begin end)
              (let* ((indentation (and (goto-char (nth 0 bounds)) (current-indentation)))
                     (original-indent-tabs-mode indent-tabs-mode) ;;; ====>>
                     (original-tab-width tab-width)  ;;; =====>>
                     (lang (markdown-code-block-lang))
                     (mode (or (and lang (markdown-get-lang-mode lang))
                      (lambda (_parent-buffer _beg _end)
                        (funcall mode)))
                     (indirect-buf (edit-indirect-region begin end 'display-buffer)))
                ;; reset `sh-shell' when indirect buffer
                (when (and (not (member system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt)))
                           (member mode '(shell-script-mode sh-mode))
                           (member lang (append
                                         (mapcar (lambda (e) (symbol-name (car e)))
                                         '("csh" "rc" "sh"))))
                  (with-current-buffer indirect-buf
                    (sh-set-shell lang)))
                (when (> indentation 0) ;; un-indent in edit-indirect buffer
                  (with-current-buffer indirect-buf
                    (setq indent-tabs-mode original-indent-tabs-mode) ;;; <<====
                    (setq tab-width original-tab-width)  ;;; <<====
                    (indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max) (- indentation)))))
            (user-error "Not inside a GFM or tilde fenced code block")))
      (when (y-or-n-p "Package edit-indirect needed to edit code blocks. Install it now? ")
        (progn (package-refresh-contents)
               (package-install 'edit-indirect)


create some markdown--edit-indirect-after-create-function which copies select local variables. the hook then needs to access the edit-indirect internal edit-indirect--overlay

syohex commented 1 year ago

Could you show us how to reproduce in detail ? How are indentations broken ? Original code, broken indentation code etc.

froh commented 1 year ago

here is some badly indented markdown

# abcdefg
 * How does it work?
    * Design rationales

       * ...

    * Architecture patterns

       * monolith, embedding python, C++, Java in single image

    * Diagrams

       * plain JNA, cython, operation dispatch in C++/cython like data store

         ``` plantuml
         !theme cb_seq_Greens_9 from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mweagle/C4-PlantUML-Themes/main/palettes
         !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Component.puml
         !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Container.puml


         System_Boundary(sb, "fastest possible:\nflow coordination in C++,\nFFI plain JNA, cython") {

            Container_Boundary(cpp, "C++ world", "C++", "operations in C++:\nhigh performance") {
               Component(A.cpp, "A.cc", "C++", "some operation A")
              Container_Boundary(flow, "flow coordination") {
             Component(cpp_flow, "flow", "C++", "flow core library")
               Container_Boundary(store, "fast object store", "C++ library\npy, JVM bindings", "shared blackboard:\ninsanely fast data exchange") {
                  Component(cpp_store, "object store core library", "C++ .so")
                  ComponentDb(store_memory, "object store shared memory", "shared memory")
                  Rel_D(cpp_store, store_memory, "control and own")

            Container_Boundary(py, "Python world", "Python", "operations in Python:\nrapid development") {
            Component(B.py, "B.py", "Python", "some operation B")
              Component(python_store, "store API\nPython wrapper", "cython")
             Component(python_flow, "flow API\nPython wrapper", "cython")

            Container_Boundary(java, "Java world", "Java", "operations in Java:\nmassive existing infrastructure") {
          Component(C.java, "C.java", "Java", "some operation C")
          Component(java_store, "store API\nJava wrapper", "JNA")
               Component(java_flow, "flow API\nJava wrapper", "JNA")

            BiRel_U(A.cpp, cpp_flow, "invoke", "native, .so")

            BiRel_U(B.py, python_flow, "invoke", "python")
            BiRel_U(python_flow, cpp_flow, "invoke", "cython")

            BiRel_U(C.java, java_flow, "invoke", "Java")
            BiRel_U(java_flow, cpp_flow, "invoke", "JNA")

            BiRel_D(A.cpp, cpp_store, "invoke", "native .so")
            Rel_D(A.cpp, store_memory, "R/W", "native .so")

            Rel_D(B.py, python_store, "interact", "python")
            BiRel_D(python_store, cpp_store, "invoke", "cython")
            Rel_D(python_store, store_memory, "R/W", "cython")

            Rel_D(C.java, java_store, "interact", "Java")
            BiRel_D(java_store, cpp_store, "invoke", "JNA")
            Rel_D(java_store, store_memory, "R/W", "JNA")


         Lay_Distance(A.cpp, LEGEND(), 1)

    * some more

 * and on it goes

<!--  LocalWords:  diff
  Local Variables:
  markdown-asymmetric-header: t
  indent-tabs-mode: nil
  mode: gfm
  1. prepare test

    • system default ìndent-tabs-modeshall be the installation default,t`
    • package-install plantuml-mode, edit-indirec from melpa (for puml indent, edit indirect)
  2. double check indent-tabs-mode (shall be nil)

  3. edit code block C-c '

  4. in the edit-indirect buffer

    • check indent-tabs-mode (should be t, the system default)
    • the mode should be plantuml-mode .
    • go to opening curly brace, reindent C-M-q
  5. search for tabs C-s C-q i

  6. save or commit (C-x C-s / C-c C-c)

==> broken indent

syohex commented 1 year ago

How about using edit-indirect-after-creation-hook and write your own customizations ? I think it is impossible to support all modes to preserve such variables because some modes use their own offset level and tab variables instead of indent-tabs-mode, tab-width. And I'm not sure everyone expects the behavior you suggest.

froh commented 1 year ago

I see the point of "which variables to move over"?. And I can use the hook, of course.

for the time being would you advise to use this stanza to capture the values from the original buffer?

(with-current-buffer (overlay-buffer edit-indirect--overlay) ;;; this feels like hijacking an internal variable

In the description of the hooks it was unspecific which buffer you're in when each hook is invoked and how to access the "other" buffer.