jrblevin / markdown-mode

Emacs Markdown Mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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resurrect emacs-26 support? #821

Closed robohack closed 5 months ago

robohack commented 5 months ago

I wonder if it would be possible to reduce the required emacs dependency (as listed on MELPA) for markdown-mode from emacs-27.1 back to at least emacs-26, if not emacs-25?

I support and use a few environments where updating emacs is not an option, yet I would dearly like to be able to install and use some packages which have markdown-mode as a pre-requisite, and of course to do this with package-install. So far markdown-mode is one of the few packages I regularly need which has so aggressively updated its emacs dependency.

syohex commented 5 months ago

I'm afraid that no it does. We cannot afford to maintain markdown-mode for older Emacs versions. I'm not sure whether current markdown-mode works on older emacs but if there is a bug on such a older emacs, it could be difficult to reproduce bug and it costs much time for us. So we only maintain for latest three major versions.

robohack commented 5 months ago

That's too bad -- leaves a lot of people out on a limb with no resort but to run older versions, buggy or not. Luckily none of the other packages I need are requiring the most recent markdown-mode.

I must say though that your attitude to this problem is still rather rare in the emacs community, at least if the number of still-compatible packages is any indication.