jrblevin / markdown-mode

Emacs Markdown Mode
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R language isn't included in markdown-gfm-recognized-languages #827

Closed maikol-solis closed 3 months ago

maikol-solis commented 3 months ago

R language isn't included in markdown-gfm-recognized-languages

Expected Behavior

The list in markdown-gfm-recognized-languages includes the item "R"

Actual Behavior

It does not exist.

Steps to Reproduce

When you call markdown-insert-gfm-code-block the language "R" doesn't appear.

The problem comes with https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-mode/blob/master/scripts/get-recognized-gfm-languages.el

If you eval the let form, you got this

1C-Enterprise" "2-Dimensional-Array" "4D" "ABAP" "ABAP-CDS" "ABNF" "AGS-Script" "AIDL" "AL" "AMPL" "ANTLR" "API-Blueprint" "APL" "ASL" "ASN.1" "ASP.NET" "ATS" "ActionScript" "Ada" "Adblock-Filter-List" "Adobe-Font-Metrics" "Agda" "Alloy" "Alpine-Abuild" "Altium-Designer" "AngelScript" "Ant-Build-System" "Antlers" "ApacheConf" "Apex" "Apollo-Guidance-Computer" "AppleScript" "Arc" "AsciiDoc" "AspectJ" "Assembly" "Astro" "Asymptote" "Augeas" "AutoHotkey" "AutoIt" "Avro-IDL" "Awk" "BASIC" "Ballerina" "Batchfile" "Beef" "Befunge" "Berry" "BibTeX" "Bicep" "Bikeshed" "Bison" "BitBake" "Blade" "BlitzBasic" "BlitzMax" "Bluespec" "Bluespec-BH" "Boo" "Boogie" "Brainfuck" "BrighterScript" "Brightscript" "Browserslist" "C#" "C++" "C-ObjDump" "C2hs-Haskell" "CAP-CDS" "CIL" "CLIPS" "CMake" "COBOL" "CODEOWNERS" "COLLADA" "CSON" "CSS" "CSV" "CUE" "CWeb" "Cabal-Config" "Cadence" "Cairo" "CameLIGO" "Cap'n-Proto" "CartoCSS" "Ceylon" "Chapel" "Charity" "Checksums" "ChucK" "Circom" "Cirru" "Clarion" "Clarity" "Classic-ASP" "Clean" "Click" "Clojure" "Closure-Templates" "Cloud-Firestore-Security-Rules" "CoNLL-U" "CodeQL" "CoffeeScript" "ColdFusion" "ColdFusion-CFC" "Common-Lisp" "Common-Workflow-Language" "Component-Pascal" "Cool" "Coq" "Cpp-ObjDump" "Creole" "Crystal" "Csound" "Csound-Document" "Csound-Score" "Cuda" "Cue-Sheet" "Curry" "Cycript" "Cypher" "Cython" "D-ObjDump" "D2" "DIGITAL-Command-Language" "DM" "DNS-Zone" "DTrace" "Dafny" "Darcs-Patch" "Dart" "DataWeave" "Debian-Package-Control-File" "DenizenScript" "Dhall" "Diff" "DirectX-3D-File" "Dockerfile" "Dogescript" "Dotenv" "Dylan" "E-mail" "EBNF" "ECL" "ECLiPSe" "EJS" "EQ" "Eagle" "Earthly" "Easybuild" "Ecere-Projects" "Ecmarkup" "Edge" "EdgeQL" "EditorConfig" "Edje-Data-Collection" "Eiffel" "Elixir" "Elm" "Elvish" "Elvish-Transcript" "Emacs-Lisp" "EmberScript" "Erlang" "Euphoria" "F#" "F*" "FIGlet-Font" "FLUX" "Factor" "Fancy" "Fantom" "Faust" "Fennel" "Filebench-WML" "Filterscript" "Fluent" "Formatted" "Forth" "Fortran" "Fortran-Free-Form" "FreeBasic" "FreeMarker" "Frege" "Futhark" "G-code" "GAML" "GAMS" "GAP" "GCC-Machine-Description" "GDB" "GDScript" "GEDCOM" "GLSL" "GN" "GSC" "Game-Maker-Language" "Gemfile.lock" "Gemini" "Genero-4gl" "Genero-per" "Genie" "Genshi" "Gentoo-Ebuild" "Gentoo-Eclass" "Gerber-Image" "Gettext-Catalog" "Gherkin" "Git-Attributes" "Git-Config" "Git-Revision-List" "Gleam" "Glimmer-JS" "Glimmer-TS" "Glyph" "Glyph-Bitmap-Distribution-Format" "Gnuplot" "Go" "Go-Checksums" "Go-Module" "Go-Workspace" "Godot-Resource" "Golo" "Gosu" "Grace" "Gradle" "Gradle-Kotlin-DSL" "Grammatical-Framework" "Graph-Modeling-Language" "GraphQL" "Graphviz-(DOT)" "Groovy" "Groovy-Server-Pages" "HAProxy" "HCL" "HLSL" "HOCON" "HTML" "HTML+ECR" "HTML+EEX" "HTML+ERB" "HTML+PHP" "HTML+Razor" "HTTP" "HXML" "Hack" "Haml" "Handlebars" "Harbour" "Haskell" "Haxe" "HiveQL" "HolyC" "Hosts-File" "Hy" "HyPhy" "IDL" "IGOR-Pro" "INI" "IRC-log" "Idris" "Ignore-List" "ImageJ-Macro" "Imba" "Inform-7" "Ink" "Inno-Setup" "Io" "Ioke" "Isabelle" "Isabelle-ROOT" "JAR-Manifest" "JCL" "JFlex" "JSON" "JSON-with-Comments" "JSON5" "JSONLD" "JSONiq" "Janet" "Jasmin" "Java" "Java-Properties" "Java-Server-Pages" "JavaScript" "JavaScript+ERB" "Jest-Snapshot" "JetBrains-MPS" "Jinja" "Jison" "Jison-Lex" "Jolie" "Jsonnet" "Julia" "Jupyter-Notebook" "Just" "KRL" "Kaitai-Struct" "KakouneScript" "KerboScript" "KiCad-Layout" "KiCad-Legacy-Layout" "KiCad-Schematic" "Kickstart" "Kit" "Kotlin" "Kusto" "LFE" "LLVM" "LOLCODE" "LSL" "LTspice-Symbol" "LabVIEW" "Lark" "Lasso" "Latte" "Lean" "Lean-4" "Less" "Lex" "LigoLANG" "LilyPond" "Limbo" "Linker-Script" "Linux-Kernel-Module" "Liquid" "Literate-Agda" "Literate-CoffeeScript" "Literate-Haskell" "LiveScript" "Logos" "Logtalk" "LookML" "LoomScript" "Lua" "M4" "M4Sugar" "MATLAB" "MAXScript" "MDX" "MLIR" "MQL4" "MQL5" "MTML" "MUF" "Macaulay2" "Makefile" "Mako" "Markdown" "Marko" "Mask" "Mathematica" "Maven-POM" "Max" "Mercury" "Mermaid" "Meson" "Metal" "Microsoft-Developer-Studio-Project" "Microsoft-Visual-Studio-Solution" "MiniD" "MiniYAML" "Mint" "Mirah" "Modelica" "Modula-2" "Modula-3" "Module-Management-System" "Mojo" "Monkey" "Monkey-C" "Moocode" "MoonScript" "Motoko" "Motorola-68K-Assembly" "Move" "Muse" "Mustache" "Myghty" "NASL" "NCL" "NEON" "NL" "NPM-Config" "NSIS" "NWScript" "Nasal" "Nearley" "Nemerle" "NetLinx" "NetLinx+ERB" "NetLogo" "NewLisp" "Nextflow" "Nginx" "Nim" "Ninja" "Nit" "Nix" "Nu" "NumPy" "Nunjucks" "Nushell" "OASv2-json" "OASv2-yaml" "OASv3-json" "OASv3-yaml" "OCaml" "Oberon" "ObjDump" "Object-Data-Instance-Notation" "ObjectScript" "Objective-C" "Objective-C++" "Objective-J" "Odin" "Omgrofl" "Opa" "Opal" "Open-Policy-Agent" "OpenAPI-Specification-v2" "OpenAPI-Specification-v3" "OpenCL" "OpenEdge-ABL" "OpenQASM" "OpenRC-runscript" "OpenSCAD" "OpenStep-Property-List" "OpenType-Feature-File" "Option-List" "Org" "Ox" "Oxygene" "Oz" "P4" "PDDL" "PEG.js" "PHP" "PLSQL" "PLpgSQL" "POV-Ray-SDL" "Pact" "Pan" "Papyrus" "Parrot" "Parrot-Assembly" "Parrot-Internal-Representation" "Pascal" "Pawn" "Pep8" "Perl" "Pic" "Pickle" "PicoLisp" "PigLatin" "Pike" "Pip-Requirements" "PlantUML" "Pod" "Pod-6" "PogoScript" "Polar" "Pony" "Portugol" "PostCSS" "PostScript" "PowerBuilder" "PowerShell" "Praat" "Prisma" "Processing" "Procfile" "Proguard" "Prolog" "Promela" "Propeller-Spin" "Protocol-Buffer" "Protocol-Buffer-Text-Format" "Public-Key" "Pug" "Puppet" "Pure-Data" "PureBasic" "PureScript" "Pyret" "Python" "Python-console" "Python-traceback" "Q#" "QML" "QMake" "Qt-Script" "Quake" "RAML" "RBS" "RDoc" "REALbasic" "REXX" "RMarkdown" "RPC" "RPGLE" "RPM-Spec" "RUNOFF" "Racket" "Ragel" "Raku" "Rascal" "Raw-token-data" "ReScript" "Readline-Config" "Reason" "ReasonLIGO" "Rebol" "Record-Jar" "Red" "Redcode" "Redirect-Rules" "Regular-Expression" "Ren'Py" "RenderScript" "Rez" "Rich-Text-Format" "Ring" "Riot" "RobotFramework" "Roc" "Roff" "Roff-Manpage" "Rouge" "RouterOS-Script" "Ruby" "Rust" "SAS" "SCSS" "SELinux-Policy" "SMT" "SPARQL" "SQF" "SQL" "SQLPL" "SRecode-Template" "SSH-Config" "STAR" "STL" "STON" "SVG" "SWIG" "Sage" "SaltStack" "Sass" "Scala" "Scaml" "Scenic" "Scheme" "Scilab" "Self" "ShaderLab" "Shell" "ShellCheck-Config" "ShellSession" "Shen" "Sieve" "Simple-File-Verification" "Singularity" "Slash" "Slice" "Slim" "Slint" "SmPL" "Smali" "Smalltalk" "Smarty" "Smithy" "Snakemake" "Solidity" "Soong" "SourcePawn" "Spline-Font-Database" "Squirrel" "Stan" "Standard-ML" "Starlark" "Stata" "StringTemplate" "Stylus" "SubRip-Text" "SugarSS" "SuperCollider" "Svelte" "Sway" "Sweave" "Swift" "SystemVerilog" "TI-Program" "TL-Verilog" "TLA" "TOML" "TSQL" "TSV" "TSX" "TXL" "Talon" "Tcl" "Tcsh" "TeX" "Tea" "Terra" "Terraform-Template" "Texinfo" "Text" "TextGrid" "TextMate-Properties" "Textile" "Thrift" "Toit" "Turing" "Turtle" "Twig" "Type-Language" "TypeScript" "Typst" "Unified-Parallel-C" "Unity3D-Asset" "Unix-Assembly" "Uno" "UnrealScript" "UrWeb" "VBA" "VBScript" "VCL" "VHDL" "Vala" "Valve-Data-Format" "Velocity-Template-Language" "Verilog" "Vim-Help-File" "Vim-Script" "Vim-Snippet" "Visual-Basic-.NET" "Visual-Basic-6.0" "Volt" "Vue" "Vyper" "WDL" "WGSL" "Wavefront-Material" "Wavefront-Object" "Web-Ontology-Language" "WebAssembly" "WebAssembly-Interface-Type" "WebIDL" "WebVTT" "Wget-Config" "Whiley" "Wikitext" "Win32-Message-File" "Windows-Registry-Entries" "Witcher-Script" "Wollok" "World-of-Warcraft-Addon-Data" "Wren" "X-BitMap" "X-Font-Directory-Index" "X-PixMap" "X10" "XC" "XCompose" "XML" "XML-Property-List" "XPages" "XProc" "XQuery" "XS" "XSLT" "Xojo" "Xonsh" "Xtend" "YAML" "YANG" "YARA" "YASnippet" "Yacc" "Yul" "ZAP" "ZIL" "Zeek" "ZenScript" "Zephir" "Zig" "Zimpl" "cURL-Config" "desktop" "dircolors" "eC" "edn" "fish" "hoon" "jq" "kvlang" "mIRC-Script" "mcfunction" "mupad" "nanorc" "nesC" "ooc" "reStructuredText" "robots.txt" "sed" "wisp" "xBase")

However, it does not detect the R language in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/linguist/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml (just in the middle of "Quake" and "RAML").


Software Versions

markdown-mode, version 2.7-alpha


maikol-solis commented 3 months ago

Just reviewing the list, the problem comes with single letter languages. For instance, it doesn't include "C", "D", or "E" neither.

syohex commented 3 months ago

Thank for filing the issue. I've updated the list at #828. Please check latest version.

maikol-solis commented 3 months ago

Thanks. It worked perfectly!