jrbudda / Sentry

Citizens2 Town Sentry Character
12 stars 20 forks source link

Can u make npc atack evry body bedie 1 person? and how can i donload the plugin to my online console? #217

Open theDead02 opened 9 years ago

theDead02 commented 9 years ago


mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

targets: entity:all ignores: player:theDead02

"how can i donload the plugin to my online console?" Depends on your online console.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

@mcmonkey4eva im with hosthorde

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Ask them how to download plugins, not us.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

welll its didnt work so i have to contact u guys @mcmonkey4eva and if u r a doveloper can u pls put it on bukget?

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

It's available here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sentry-citizens2/ If you can't download from a link like that (IE, the official Bukkit plugin download system)... get a better host.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

i can but its not working for me @mcmonkey4eva

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Well talk to your host, not us. We've done everything we can our side. We have the plugin available for you there. If you can't download it, it's not our fault, its your hosts.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

@mcmonkey4eva i did but my plugin isnt working isnt it ur side?

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

if it's not working, we need more details than 'not working'.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

do u have the version for 1.7.2 the server is on that version @mcmonkey4eva

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Older Sentry versions are available here: http://wiki.citizensnpcs.co/Sentry#Updates Might be on BukkitDev too, I'dunno.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

its not in there @mcmonkey4eva

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Yes it is.

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago
v. 1.7.1 11/07/13 download

    Update to work with Bukkit for MC 1.7.2 

quoted from the updates box.

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Also Sentry 1.8.0 on BukkitDev

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

how its called there?

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

i tried to search it but nothing for bukget

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

im talking about the bukget not about the versions

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Well ask your host how to download alternate versions. BukGet is just an API for BukkitDev, there'll be a way.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

we found out thanks

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

wait i have another questio can i? @mcmonkey4eva

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago


theDead02 commented 9 years ago

whaat r the name of types of special npc can i find? @mcmonkey4eva

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

special npc?

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

@mcmonkey4eva yes like archer guard gurads what else?

mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago

Just equip them with whatever item, and they use it. Give a bow, they shoot it. Give a fireball, they launch fireballs, give a sword, they swing a sword, and so on. There's no archers or anything like that, that's just something you might like to call the NPC bow-wielders when you add them to your server.

theDead02 commented 9 years ago

but what r theier names?


mcmonkey4eva commented 9 years ago


MPPrison commented 9 years ago

He's just trying to troll you don't even reply to this kid lmao