jrbudda / Sentry

Citizens2 Town Sentry Character
12 stars 20 forks source link

sentry not dropping loot #232

Open VerserVarlin opened 9 years ago

VerserVarlin commented 9 years ago

i have the config set to drop and i have equipped the npc with gear and items but no mater what he wont drop his loot when killed.

DefaultOptions: Drops: true KillDrops: true Criticals: true Invincible: false Retaliate: true FriendlyFire: false Targetable: true

'110': metadata: cached-skin-uuid: d7143f76-0e4b-4909-a0a6-a5edfee76c20 cached-skin-uuid-name: Hair name: Hair uuid: 3d8e2053-f179-4635-8a72-b70fdee62920 traits: text: talk-close: false random-talker: true realistic-looking: true range: '5.0' talkitem: default text: '0': Hi, I'm ! type: Rabbit spawned: true waypoints: linear: points: '0': location: world: slimeworld x: '1723.0' y: '105.0' z: '-61.0' yaw: '0.0' pitch: '0.0' '1': location: world: slimeworld x: '1720.0' y: '105.0' z: '-58.0' yaw: '0.0' pitch: '0.0' '2': location: world: slimeworld x: '1719.0' y: '105.0' z: '-58.0' yaw: '0.0' pitch: '0.0' provider: linear location: world: slimeworld x: '1706.4756164718667' y: '107.20883391333994' z: '-65.34563955430389' yaw: '188.97654724121094' pitch: '0.0' inventory: {} speech: chat lookclose: enabled: true range: '5.0' realisticlooking: true owner: owner: verser uuid: adb0cb06-9a6f-4968-8903-50b19ff4dffe sentry: toggled: true Retaliate: true Invincinble: false DropInventory: true KillDrops: false Targetable: true MountID: -1 CriticalHits: true IgnoreLOS: false Targets: [] Ignores: [] Spawn: x: '1724.122445801988' y: '105.81760000818967' z: '-73.16109252017313' world: slimeworld yaw: '320.2708435058594' pitch: '0.0' Health: '110.0' Range: 10 RespawnDelay: 86400 Speed: '1.0' Weight: '1.0' HealRate: '2.0' Armor: 10 Strength: 3 WarningRange: 0 AttackRate: '2.0' NightVision: 16 FollowDistance: 4 Warning: '&c says Halt! Come no closer!' Greeting: '&a says Welcome, ' equipment: hand: type: BANNER amount: 1 durability: 0 mdata: 0 meta: {} helmet: type: DIAMOND_HELMET amount: 1 durability: 0 mdata: 0 chestplate: type: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE amount: 1 durability: 0 mdata: 0 leggings: type: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS amount: 1 durability: 0 mdata: 0 boots: type: DIAMOND_BOOTS amount: 1 durability: 0 mdata: 0 traitnames: location,lookclose,text,owner,spawned,speech,sentry,waypoints,type,inventory,equipment navigator: pathfindingrange: '25.0' stationaryticks: 100 speedmodifier: '1.0' avoidwater: false usedefaultstuckaction: true

VerserVarlin commented 9 years ago

ok from my testing non humenoids cant drop there loot i.e no loot from killer bunnys. is there any way to fix this so that the non humonoids can drop loot