jrbudda / Vivecraft_113

VR mod for Minecraft. For Version 1.13.X
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[Bug] Movement is digital while radial wheel is open #3

Closed ZwipZwapZapony closed 5 years ago

ZwipZwapZapony commented 5 years ago

I have "move forward" bound to the trigger of my left HTC Vive Pro/2.0 Controller. If I press the trigger lightly, I move slowly. If I press it harder, I move faster. This means that movement is analogue (based on how much the button/trigger is pushed down).

However, if I have a radial wheel open (which I have bound to the app menu button of my right controller), movement is digital (either on or off; either 0% or 100% speed, no in-between) instead of analogue.

I am using Vivecraft 1.13.2 v1 (revision 0, though revisions 1-3's changelogs don't suggest that this has been fixed yet).

ZwipZwapZapony commented 5 years ago

I have played some Vivecraft 1.13.2 v1 revision 3, and this seems to have been fixed in revision 1, 2, or 3, though it's now much harder to move in the first place, due to having to aim the off-hand away from the radial wheel GUI to move (which I don't recall being the case in v1 revision 0). Still, the issue in question here seems to have been fixed, so I'm closing it now.