jrbudda / minecrift

VR mod for Minecraft. For Minecraft version 1.7.10
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Teleporting troublesome in Thermos, dev blames your mod? #38

Closed ManOrMonster closed 8 years ago

ManOrMonster commented 8 years ago

Thermos often gives movement warnings and rubberbands the teleporting character. Changing the moved-wrongly-threshold and moved-too-quickly-threshold settings in spigot.yml does not fix the issue. When this was brought up, one of the devs said "There is no way to get those settings to work. You're going to have to ask the mod creator to change the way they teleport players."

Now I'm guessing there's nothing you can do about this, but I thought I'd bring it up. Is it true we need Thermos to have a server that supports Forge mods? Also, is it possible to "Open to LAN" instead? Whenever I try to do that it just brings up a keyboard and chat window.

Pixeldk commented 8 years ago

Isnt it https://github.com/possi/MineVive we need to fix it manormonster?

ManOrMonster commented 8 years ago

I don't know, all I know is that I want to play this with my sons, with only me in VR, and be able to use Forge mods. The Vivecraft FAQ on Reddit says to use Thermos for Forge support, but teleporting is spotty in Thermos. I followed the instructions on that page.

fucnknown commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm the one doing the main work on the Wiki. Spigot/Bukkit is required to use plugins. Jposs'si plugin (MineVive, https://github.com/possi/MineVive) allows using Vivecraft natively in a server, without having to give "Teleport wands" or other troublesome systems. Forge support is required for mods both in the client and the server. Historically there was a mixed project called Cauldron, which enabled both. After a lot of drama last year Bukkit became Spigot and Cauldron was discontinued. Thermos is the only project being actively improved and worked that has both Spigot and Forge. The plugin is the one that needs to be checked and made compatible, unfortunately jpossi hasn't answered summons or bug reports yet. Reddit user AngelMoo apparently has both working on his server: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4fbwyb/minecraft_vive_forge_ftb_install_kit_guide_inside/ Pixeldk is trying to reach him.

This is all edge technology and developers are working on their own free time, improvements are already coming fast, but the ones who can't code as well can only support and coordinate until the brains can get fixing issues.

PS: KCauldron is a "possible" alternative. https://repo.prok.pw/pw/prok/KCauldron/

Pixeldk commented 8 years ago

Been trying to get a hold on him everywhere now.. skype, google hangouts, irc and github. Think irl is having a hold on him atm.

Pixeldk commented 8 years ago

And tried kcauldron. Its not reading the spigot file iether. :-/

ManOrMonster commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the in-depth explanation.

ManOrMonster commented 8 years ago

Is there any way to just "Open to LAN" and have people on my LAN join? When I click that it just opens a chat window...

fucnknown commented 8 years ago

jbudda, I've been thinking. Can you make it so that the client sends a "/tp x y z" instruction to the server, so the player will be teleported in a traditional, server supported manner?

jrbudda commented 8 years ago

I'm really not sure, would work in theory, might require a good bit of moving things around.

possi commented 8 years ago

@ManOrMonster I can confirm this Bug (for v13). jrbudda may be able to fix this.

@ziggrrauglurr: This may be possible, but requires a server side implementation that prevents the player from cheating all around the server. Also there need to be some CustomPacketCommunication between Server and Client to determind that this teleportation-method should be used instead of default one.

fucnknown commented 8 years ago

Yeah. Was just an idea. I found the modification needed on thermos source to either fix this or make the options configurable like in spigot. Compiling Thermos is the troublesome part...

possi commented 8 years ago

@Pixeldk, @ziggrrauglurr: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4m6unh/vivecraft_server_with_mods_incomming/d3x5twe

fucnknown commented 8 years ago

Excellent, Thank you! (Nevermind, got it to compile after putting a local copy of fernflower in the cache)

ManOrMonster commented 8 years ago

Thanks for all your work guys, possi's Thermos edit worked perfectly.