jrckln / Bendyourspline

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Some comments by a critical first-time user #36

Open biometrician opened 2 years ago

biometrician commented 2 years ago

Some comments from my side:

1) For a first-time user it is not immediately clear that one has to click on Methods. Everything looks really nice, but "Methods" has to be highlighted somehow. Or simply add to the Note, that one can start by clicking on "Methods".

2) Compared to my first version from last year it is much more complicated (which is per se not bad). But already for the simple version the feedback was "a guide is needed" Here it is even more important. It took me something like 10 minutes to see the "Tour" button. Why not add a "Note" like on the first screen with a comment, that first-time users should take a short tour by clicking on ... . In my simple app I added an explanation tab, where the 3 methods were explained. I think such a text should be added as well. Currently there is only a list of further references.

3) I was not involved in the discussions in the last year, so maybe my outlook is outdated, but nevertheless. The goal for the user is to "play" with the input parameters such that the response matches the optimal fit as good as possible. (Is this correct?) Like in a game. But this has to be declared somewhere. Somewhere at the beginning. Maybe even in the Home section! Then I would make the response line in not-black. (Again it took me some time to realize that the black line at 0 is the response.) And if one clicks on "set optimal fit", one receives the answer of the game. (Maybe this should be mentioned as well.)

As a first-time user it is frustrating, that if one tries to match response with the optimal fit that if one changes the knots, powers and coefficients nothing happens....because first one has to adjust the intercept. It would make more sense if the intercept is already adjusted. And the coefficient range should be so that changes in the coefficients lead to changes in the response from the beginning.

4) I think it would be very important to explain what the loess smoother, optimal fit and response are. These are the crucial aspects. The explanation should be somewhere where it is obvious.

5) I would suggest to put the advanced settings button somewhere were it is more hidden. Currently it is the first button a first-time user is seeing. But this button is only for more advanced stuff and maybe teaching purposes. So "hide" it somewhere.

6) Reset input does not reset the coefficient range.

7.1) In choose a variable pair, I would not use a abbreviation, like TISS. 7.2) Even if you give the full name, no one will know what it represents. This is unfortunate. Maybe change the name to something which gives the user an idea about its meaning. Something in the direction of "hospital costs score".

8) I would suggest to make the methods name bold or highlight them somehow. The app looks really nice, but I think in some areas the stylish look hides the purpose of some buttons or one does not see the button at all.

9) For the tour is it possible to use the keyboard (intuitively blank) for "Next"? Currently, one has to play catch the "next" button with the mouse, which is inconvenient.

10) I am not sure if I understand the "adjust automatically" button for the intercept correctly. I would assume if I click on it that the intercept will be adjusted automatically. But if I use for FPs "set optimal fit" => "adjust automatically". I would expect that nothing happens. However, now the intercept is set to 60. If I click on "adjust automatically" again nothing happens.

11) If the reset inputs does not work perfectly and one does an exercise (basic FP exercise), it is not possible to do the first point.

12) If someone cannot solve one part of the exercise, there is currently no way to continue.

13) What about an absolute beginner example. One starts with the optimal fit and then let the user play around with the input parameters to get a feeling for the parameters. Generally, what was the reason why this is not the default setting. For a beginner it is a little bit overwhelming to start at 0 with the response.

14) Is there a way to see the explanations of the tour just for one window?

15) At least for FPs the meaning of the lines in the window Fractional polynomials is not obvious.

Crashes: I am using the browser brave. I had some crashes. +) if my first click in methods is on the "-" of coefficient range, then the app crashes.

I am not sure, if all these issues should be put in one issue on git or in several.

matherealize commented 2 years ago

I suggest making each one an issue (or at least groups of tasks which belong together), but keep this issue as an overview with a task list, referencing each individual issue, where details are discussed.

@biometrician I think making each topic a checkbox would be nice. Github picks that up and makes a nice display. Simply use

- [ ] Open Task 1
- [ x] Solved Task 2 

instead of a numbered list. Issues can be referenced by #Issue number.

I agree with many of your points. I made a new issue regarding exercises (see #38 ), which you maybe can link to, as it addresses your point 12.

jrckln commented 2 years ago


  1. I can insert a button with 'Start' or something similar which redirects to 'Methods' tab
  2. In a previous discussion we decided to state the references where the methods are described and not to repeat what is written in there. I'll increase the font size of the Tour button, however I would not suggest to make the button bigger since the navbar would then need to be bigger as well.
  3. We could add an explanation in the Tour, please give suggestions to extend the Tour 3.a. Please describe more detailed, I don't know what you mean.
  4. I agree, to be discussed
  5. We chose this position because it only concerns 'Data'
  6. Cannot be implemented
  7. This is because of internal reasons - would be a lot of work to change this now
  8. , 9. & 10. I'll look into it
  9. This is intended since the exercises are based on each other
  10. We discussed that already and decided that it is not motivating to do an exercise when the parameters of the optimal solutions are already visible
  11. Unfortunately cannot be implemented - I can add individual tours for each tab

Please note that shiny is not the optimal framework for such an application. Some things are simply not possible or would take too much time to implement

Crashes: I'll try to fix them if you describe in which setting the crash occured