jrckln / Bendyourspline

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Add readme #37

Closed matherealize closed 2 years ago

matherealize commented 3 years ago

I suggest to add a README.md to the repository with a short description of the app without running it, and which outlines the technical instructions how to run the app locally. Advanced users may want to try out things on their own, even fork the repo, or contact us.

A suggestion, inspired by the About Tab - if ok for you, I can push the readme myself, but I want to explore suggestions what to add first:


The aim of this project to is show how nonlinear associations can be estimated with a statistical model using only simple extensions of the basic linear model. Moreover the shiny app allows for comparisons between fractional polynomials, b-splines and natural splines. Parameters and coefficients of each method can be changed and the resulting nonlinear effect is shown. In this way, one can explore how the coefficients affect the functional form of the association between the explanatory variable and the outcome.

In case of crashes or unexpected behavior please report the issue in this repository.


The app is implemented using the shiny framework in R. To install all required dependencies, you can use

p_load(c('shiny', 'plotly', 'shinyBS', 'shinyWidgets', 'shinyjs', 'splines',
    'mfp', 'stringr', 'reshape2', 'tidyverse', 'shinyhelper', 'shinycssloaders',
    'shinyjqui', 'cicerone', 'ggplot2', 'magrittr'))


Link here to relevant documents, such as the paper (in the future :) ), or exercises or similar.

jrckln commented 3 years ago

Thank you for writing a readme! I'll add it