jrcryer / generator-mean

Yeoman generator for a MEAN stack, inspired by mean.io
MIT License
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404 error messages #1

Closed haydermabood closed 10 years ago

haydermabood commented 10 years ago


I am getting the following 404 messages when I try to access "http://localhost:3000/" ........................................................

Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task

8 files lint free.

Running "concurrent:tasks" (concurrent) task Running "watch" task Running "nodemon:dev" (nodemon) task Waiting...23 Oct 17:10:45 - [nodemon] v0.7.10 23 Oct 17:10:45 - [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter rs 23 Oct 17:10:45 - [nodemon] watching: D:\WebDev\MEANStackTest2\app 23 Oct 17:10:45 - [nodemon] watching: D:\WebDev\MEANStackTest2\config 23 Oct 17:10:45 - [nodemon] starting node server.js 23 Oct 17:10:45 - [nodemon] reading ignore list connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0 visit https://github.com/senchalabs/connect/wiki/Connect-3.0 for alternatives connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0 Express app started on port 3000

GET / 304 1204ms GET /lib/bootstrap/docs/assets/css/bootstrap.css 404 336ms GET /lib/bootstrap/docs/assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css 404 189ms GET /lib/jquery/jquery.js 404 465ms GET /lib/bootstrap/docs/assets/js/bootstrap.js 404 741ms GET /lib/angular/angular.js 404 626ms GET /lib/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.js 404 634ms GET /lib/angular-resource/angular-resource.js 404 530ms GET /lib/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js 404 672ms GET /lib/angular-ui-utils/modules/route/route.js 404 195ms GET /lib/angular-resource/angular-resource.js 404 144ms GET /lib/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js 404 99ms GET /lib/angular-ui-utils/modules/route/route.js 404 111ms

jrcryer commented 10 years ago


Can you verify the location of your bower components? Are they installed to app/bower_components?



haydermabood commented 10 years ago

Yes, check the attached images, it contains snapshots of the directory structure created by "yo mean".



jrcryer commented 10 years ago

I had a conflicting .bowerrc file. I've added one to the project now, so when running:

yo mean

The bower components will be installed and picked up by the express app.

Thanks for all the details you sent across!