jrcuaranv / terrasentia-dataset

This dataset is intended for the evaluation of visual-based localization and mapping systems in agriculture.
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orb_slam3 test stereo_inertial failed #1

Open hplegend opened 3 weeks ago

hplegend commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for you great contribution. When I test the dataset using orb_slam3 "ros_stereo_inertial" according to author's instruction and provided config.yaml, ORB_SLAM3 can't run VIO+SLAM. Is the any guideline to run ORB_SLAM3 on author's dataset? I have been read many issues about ZED2 on orb_slam3, but all of then just put the question and have no any solution.

jrcuaranv commented 3 weeks ago

ORB-SLAM3 does not work well with most of our data sequences, as explained in our paper. I found that it struggles to extract ORB features from agricultural scenes, and it is also very sensitive to occlusions. Please try running it on this data sequence, where I know it works well: wget -O ts_2022_06_29_12h33m37s_solar_house.bag https://uofi.box.com/shared/static/oqqpugs4hgssjuubz7igalbkoldehf15.bag

However, if you are not getting any output, you should probably make sure the ROS topics are correctly set in the corresponding files. Additionally, if you are using rosbag files recorded in 2023, the topics' names might be a little bit different from those recorded in 2022, for which the config files are given.

hplegend commented 3 weeks ago

ORB-SLAM3 does not work well with most of our data sequences, as explained in our paper. I found that it struggles to extract ORB features from agricultural scenes, and it is also very sensitive to occlusions. Please try running it on this data sequence, where I know it works well: wget -O ts_2022_06_29_12h33m37s_solar_house.bag https://uofi.box.com/shared/static/oqqpugs4hgssjuubz7igalbkoldehf15.bag

However, if you are not getting any output, you should probably make sure the ROS topics are correctly set in the corresponding files. Additionally, if you are using rosbag files recorded in 2023, the topics' names might be a little bit different from those recorded in 2022, for which the config files are given.

Thanks for you carefully reply. I have run successfully on the bag "cornfield1 ts_2022_10_06_10h15m24s_two_random.bag" using ORB_SLAM3 with Stereo image + IMU. However, I still confused about the ORB_SLAM3 parameter "Tbc" . I found the ros bag has topic "/terrasentia/zed2/zed_node/left_cam_imu_transform", but the msg data differ with the parameter explained in paper. Tbc is a important paremeter when intergrating IMU on V-SLAM, so, is topic "left_cam_imu_transform " trustworthy?

jrcuaranv commented 3 weeks ago

Tbc in the orbslam3 config file is the transform from camera to imu(body). The topic /terrasentia/zed2/zed_node/left_cam_imu_transform generated by zed2 camera is assuming a camera coordinate frame (x front, y left, z up) different from the standard (z front, x right, y down). Most of the SLAM systems follow the second notation. That is why the sensor parameters given in our dataset differ from that topic (so please ignore that topic).