Open ghost opened 1 year ago
Working on Laravel 10 upgrade in my dev env and just noticed new signups don't get any e-mails anymore. Tried the following in Laravel Tinker:
> UserVerification::send($user, 'My Custom E-mail Subject'); Illuminate\View\ViewException Missing required parameter for [Route: email-verification.check] [URI: email-verification/check/{token}] [Missing parameter: token]. (View: resources/views/vendor/laravel-user-verification/email.blade.php)
I didn't mess with any custom routes or anything. What would cause this error?
Did you fin any solution?
Working on Laravel 10 upgrade in my dev env and just noticed new signups don't get any e-mails anymore. Tried the following in Laravel Tinker:
I didn't mess with any custom routes or anything. What would cause this error?