jreinhardt / readable.js

A javascript library for readability analysis
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Modularise #7

Open jreinhardt opened 11 years ago

jreinhardt commented 11 years ago


jreinhardt commented 11 years ago

Apparently there is another level of organisation, commonly called packages. There seem to be several ways to do that, on the one side commonjs http://www.commonjs.org/ that is more focusing on server side javascript and AMD https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD that is more focused on browser side.

jreinhardt commented 11 years ago

I did some research and it seems to be that:

All in all I am not sure whether these module mechanisms solve a problem that we have. I would be content with the module pattern, but on the other hand being able to use readable also in node.js would be nice.