jreinke / magento-highlighter

Add Syntax Highlighting to Magento Admin
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Problem with Transactional Emails #4

Closed aurmil closed 9 years ago

aurmil commented 9 years ago

When accessing transcational email add/edit form, textareas are not visible

maxmino commented 9 years ago

Me too, same problem. I'm using 1.1.1 version.

jreinke commented 9 years ago

Do you have something in console? (Javascript error for example)

maxmino commented 9 years ago

No errors in console, I've seen, inspectioning the html code, that text-area had a style attribute with value of -1000 on position element

jreinke commented 9 years ago

Problem is I can't reproduce it...

maxmino commented 9 years ago

If you want I can give an access to my dev environment, at this moment I've disabled the highlighter component but I can re-enable it with just one click.

jreinke commented 9 years ago

Ok, please contact me through https://www.bubbleshop.net/contacts/

aurmil commented 9 years ago

same, no JS errors div.CodeMirror.cm-s-mbo.CodeMirror-wrap has "display: none" in its style attribute

aurmil commented 9 years ago

Now it causes a bug w/ CMS blocks edit page: both blocks (wysiwyg + html content) appear together