jreklund / php4dvd

php4dvd is an open source php/mysql powered movie database. Catalog your video collection with ease. Automatic update of information and images.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Url is forced to https despite configuration #27

Closed kkayacan closed 6 years ago

kkayacan commented 6 years ago

force http setting is false in configuration but site is redirected to https starting from install. What might be the problem?

jreklund commented 6 years ago

Have you accidentally activated it inside .htaccess?

kkayacan commented 6 years ago

This is .htaccess under /php4dvd folder:


jreklund commented 6 years ago

That looks good, regarding https. If you wan't to use SEO urls you need to change RewriteBase / into RewriteBase /php4dvd/.

If you delete that file (.htaccess) entirely and remove the following lines: https://github.com/jreklund/php4dvd/blob/master/common.inc.php#L56

// Force the use of HTTPS
    isset($settings["url"]["HTTPS"]) && $settings["url"]["HTTPS"] && 
    (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'on')
) {
    header('Location: https://'. $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], true, 301);

Then you have removed all redirect functions regarding https from php4dvd. If it still redirects you it's your webbserver* that's the problem.

kkayacan commented 6 years ago

OK, redirection seems to be gone right now. Thanks for the tip.

But links (and resource file urls like css) still start with https and site is a little broken. I think that is because installation is done with https base url. Shall I start over the installation with removing those?

jreklund commented 6 years ago

Ok, could you add .htaccess file again and then the php code. Too see what actually triggers your redirect.

If you delete this, it ignores the servers HTTPS settings for url generation. Base url are only the last part /php4dvd/ https://github.com/jreklund/php4dvd/blob/master/common.inc.php#L74

if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']) {
    $protocol = "https";
    $protocol = "https";

Can you post some information about your server software and custom settings. This should't even happen. The redirect can't even activate if you have $settings["url"]["HTTPS"] = false;.

kkayacan commented 6 years ago

I restored .htaccess and added PHP code. No redirection..

I am on Byethost shared hosting free plan so I don't have any custom configuration.

Here is server info: censored link

jreklund commented 6 years ago

That's indeed strange... will create a free account later and see if I can replicate this. Do you get http:// links now for CSS or is that still a problem?

kkayacan commented 6 years ago

Links are still https. I'll try starting over installation with the php code removed.

jreklund commented 6 years ago

Okey, keep me posted on what you find. It was I who deleted your phpinfo links. Those type of information should't be made public. I have saved it.

kkayacan commented 6 years ago


Unfortunately, base url is still https.

jreklund commented 6 years ago

Ok, I have now created a free account. Apparently Bytehost utilizes a load balance and sets $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] as http. There are currently no checks in the current version for a true https string, so it's just assume you want an encrypted connection.

Change row 77-79 in common.inc.php into this: (Leave out all other modifications discuses earlier)

    $protocol = "https";

Row 44-46 in lib/util.inc.php

    if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') {
        $protocol = "https";

If it's works out for you too, I will release a new version with this fix.

kkayacan commented 6 years ago

Works great. Thank you very much.