jreklund / php4dvd

php4dvd is an open source php/mysql powered movie database. Catalog your video collection with ease. Automatic update of information and images.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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View Filmdetails in same Window #33

Open dOpesen opened 6 years ago

dOpesen commented 6 years ago

Hi, is it possible to implement to view the informations of a film in same window like the collection/search window when clicking on a specific film? so not a new window is opening and the left sidebar always is shown?

i think it will increase the usability.

greetz dOpesen

jreklund commented 6 years ago

Hi, just to make sure. You want the movie to open with the same buttons "Back, Visit IMDb, View trailer, Edit, Remove" (at the top) as before. But with the search panel on the left?

Like this mock-up: king arthur - legend of the sword 2017

And pressing a button in the left panel will replace the movie with the collection again?

dOpesen commented 6 years ago

Hi, yes, exactly like this.

jreklund commented 6 years ago

Hi, at the moment there are no support to change out both the container and menu. I can get the container switched out fairly easy if re-code the template and change some CSS properties. But that leaves out the menu, that need to hacked in somehow.

At this time I deem this unnecessary for version 3. But will add it as a milestone for version 4 instead. Currently I haven't decided on what kind of framework it will be using, so this is currently in a galaxy far far away.

dOpesen commented 6 years ago

hi, great, i am looking forward to see this feature perhaps in version 4.