An error occurs when commit is set at the end of g:magit_default_sections
Error detected while processing function magit#commit_command[24]..magit#update_buffer[20]..<SNR>19_mg_get_commit_msg:
line 3:
E684: list index out of range: 5
E15: Invalid expression: '^'.g:magit_sections[g:magit_default_sections[match(g:magit_default_sections, 'commit')+1]].'$'
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Steps to reproduce
e.g. let g:magit_default_sections = ['global_help', 'info', 'unstaged', 'staged', 'commit']
In stage mode, type CC.
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Oct 22 2017 18:11:06)
Short description of the problem
An error occurs when
is set at the end ofg:magit_default_sections
Steps to reproduce
let g:magit_default_sections = ['global_help', 'info', 'unstaged', 'staged', 'commit']
In stage mode, type
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Oct 22 2017 18:11:06)