jreybert / vimagit

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Fix 149, commit append to the last line #150

Closed iaia closed 7 years ago

iaia commented 7 years ago

ref. #149

When set commit at the end of default section, append to the last line.

jreybert commented 7 years ago

Just to let you know, I watched your PR the first day, but I did not found time to test it.

Seems quite good to me. I just wonder the w$ pattern, maybe the pattern end of filewould be better (i can't remember right now the exact syntax of this pattern).

Thanks for the PR anyway!

iaia commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reviewing. What you are saying is maybe $EOF? I fixed. please review again.

jreybert commented 7 years ago

End of file vim pattern is \%$ (see :help %$). $EOF doe snot exists in vim.

iaia commented 7 years ago

@jreybert sorry, i am not good at writing vimscript. I rewrote it. please review again. thank you.

iaia commented 7 years ago

oops! sorry, i deleted .development.vim. and change commit message.

jreybert commented 7 years ago

Excellent, thanks for the PR and for all your changes through the review process!

iaia commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the merge!