jrfernandes / ontario_energy_board

Home Assistant component that installs a sensor with the current energy rate for Ontario energy companies
MIT License
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Bump holidays requirements version #28

Closed maxistviews closed 11 months ago

maxistviews commented 1 year ago

Home Assistant is unable to install integrations like workday with the current "holidays" requirement being set to 0.12, as it requires a more recent version.

I have bumped the version number locally, and everything still seems to work. Maybe if the author who is far more familiar with the code of this integration could look it over?

Mentioned also in Issue #29

Originally mentioned in https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/93508

deftdawg commented 1 year ago

I proposed an alternate solution, deleting holidays from this component's manifest... The best part is no part :wink: