jrfernandes / ontario_energy_board

Home Assistant component that installs a sensor with the current energy rate for Ontario energy companies
MIT License
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Active Peak #7

Closed THX2112 closed 2 years ago

THX2112 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this plugin -- it's very much needed and appreciated!

It appears that the Active Peak is no longer working. I saw in a previous issue that this was mentioned also.

Is there some way to get this working again? It would be great to know which rate is currently active so that it could easily be used in automations or to trigger events.

jrfernandes commented 2 years ago

I'm not seeing that issue on my setup. Do you have anything in your logs?

Also, it's worth mentioning that yesterday was Easter Monday, an observed holiday in Ontario. The whole day was off-peak. Could that be the case for this issue?

THX2112 commented 2 years ago

Only the current rate is shown. There is no "Active peak" attribute (or any attributes). There's nothing in the logs.

Maybe my particular energy provider (Energy+) doesn't provide this information so it isn't scraped?

jrfernandes commented 2 years ago

That's odd, you should have attributes with the rates for off-peak, on-peak, and mid-peak; as well as an attribute to tell you the current peak.

You mentioned you are getting the current rate. Can you check the history and see if it changes over time?

Finally, can you go to Developer Tools > Template and add the following on the editor:

{{ state_attr("sensor.energy_plus_inc_residential_rate", "active_peak") }}

(Assuming energy_plus_inc_residential_rate is the entity ID for your sensor)

What do you see in the render panel?

THX2112 commented 2 years ago

I was just going through these steps when it suddenly started showing the Attributes. I don't know what I did exactly but it looks like it's working now. Thanks! This will make automations so much easier.