jrgdnn12 / BlandAI_TaxiCaller-Integration

Here I will host the scripts (Twillio and lambda functions) that will be needed to make this project possible.
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Rest of Twilli Functions #5

Closed jrgdnn12 closed 2 months ago

jrgdnn12 commented 2 months ago

Hello, this is a to do list, now get to work.

TaxicallerWebhookPassenferNotification -This will react to taxi caller webhook for order status update and send event.passenger_phone_number a sms or whatapp notifcation. Messenger: A twillio function that use twillio helper library to set up a sms transport, this will be used by the IVR two send SMS. inputs keys are "To" and "Body". "From" is predifined as the twillio messenger service SID. -DeliveredOrderJson: when webhook for status_delivered. call the API for order object Json to store in our database, these cannot be accessed afte some time. Its good to keep a copy in out database. Currently I am thking of using this previous order data to faciliate a redo of an order without havign to resort to address validation. -orderupdate: poll the API for a specified date time range and store data in job_report table. these can be triggered by crontab in google cloud scheduler. -redojob- to be used by the IVR. user is prompted to choose from of two most recent order in "Delivered" . of order is chosen then call API to get order and then map this info to new order json body , then call the API for new order. If API get order fails, then fall back to order json on local database. -Cancel OrderL to be used by the IVR to cancel an order -CheckCustomer: To be used by the IVR to get customer dynamic data pertinent to IVR prompts and pathways. -languageChoice: IVR function to presistently store a customer language preference in a database table. -isEnglsih: IVR function to query the database for the customer language preference. -isOlderthan5Days; IVR funcion to determine if language has become stale, if updatedate is 5 or more days in the past then prompt the customer for language again. -Authenticator: use the taxicaller API key to generate JWT to authenticate with API. store and retrival of JWT is done from a database.