jrgifford / delayed_paperclip

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background with delayed_job or Resque.
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expiring_url does not work with "Displaying images during processing" #36

Closed chapter9 closed 10 years ago

chapter9 commented 11 years ago


I'm using Delayed_Paperclip with S3 and using the following function to display my images: http://rubydoc.info/github/thoughtbot/paperclip/Paperclip/Storage/S3:expiring_url

The problem is that it does not work according to your section "Displaying images during processing".

Here's my current workaround:

<%= image_tag image_link.image.expiring_url(3600, image_link.image.processing? ? :original : :square) %>

It would be better delayed_paperclip could override this function to return the proper default_image

ScotterC commented 11 years ago

What image is shown while the image is processing? Or is there no image? Could you paste your relevant configuration please.

jrgifford commented 11 years ago

Any updates on this?

viseztrance commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same issue. The expiring_url method always returns the computed s3 expiring path, not the processing image.