jrheard / rask

overengineered personalized-to-me taskwarrior replacement
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figure out how to distribute cli to the rpi #24

Open jrheard opened 3 years ago

jrheard commented 3 years ago

i don't want to have to build the cli in release mode using the rpi's tiny little cpu. i'd like to have some automated way for the rpi to get the latest version of the cli, preferably automatically.

something as simple as having gha upload the cli binary to some url, and having the rpi pull that binary down to ~/bin/rask with a cron job, would work totally fine. could also do something more sophisticated/traditional if i want, i haven't thought about this much.

i don't really know if it's easy/hard to have the cli Just Work on the rpi. maybe i'll have to learn about "multi-arch builds"?? we'll see.