jridgewell / Unlock

Unlock multiple Core Storage encrypted volumes at boot.
MIT License
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request: please add support for encrypted sparsebundles #16

Open tristan-k opened 9 years ago

tristan-k commented 9 years ago

There are several ways (loginhook, launchdaemon etc.) to automount a sparsebundle before logging in, but there's none without writing down the password in plaintext for automount an encrypted sparsebundle.

Reading out the password from the keychain requires to unlock it before, therefore it's not possible to automate the process without user action.

#!/usr/bin/env bash -e
# SOURCE: http://risponderetag.wpdev8.com/p/35966.html


# Check existing states
if [ -e "$SPARSEBUNDLE_MOUNT_PATH" ]; then
    echo "Already mounted."
    exit 0    

# The mount command uses security find-generic-password
# to get the password from the keychain store
MOUNT_PASSWORD=$(security find-generic-password -w -D "disk image password" -l username.sparsebundle $KEYCHAIN_PATH)
printf $MOUNT_PASSWORD | hdiutil attach -stdinpass -mountpoint "$SPARSEBUNDLE_MOUNT_PATH" "$SPARSEBUNDLE_PATH" 

Please add support for sparseimages: specifing the $SPARSEBUNDLE_PATH and the $$SPARSEBUNDLE_MOUNT_PATH.

For further informations see: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/104770/can-i-mount-an-encrypted-image-before-finder-loads http://techanic.net/2012/10/14/programmatically_mounting_encrypted_disk_images_in_os_x.html

jridgewell commented 9 years ago

It's an interesting idea, using an encrypted sparsebundle instead of a FileVault-encrypted secondary drive. I'll look into adding this, though it may be better as a separate project using some of the same code.

tristan-k commented 9 years ago

I would appreciate that. I also asked at http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/159421/mount-encrypted-sparseimage-as-home-directory-before-login