jridgewell / Unlock

Unlock multiple Core Storage encrypted volumes at boot.
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Unlock help #5

Closed Dave12 closed 12 years ago

Dave12 commented 12 years ago

Unlock appears to be exactly the solution I need - have run it twice but still locked out of my filevault 2 disk. Would love any advice on why this unlock be failing.

Anticipatory thanks...


jridgewell commented 12 years ago

Hi, can you post the output of diskutil cs list here?

Dave12 commented 12 years ago

But of course (even though I don;t know what it means...) Last login: Sat Oct 8 11:02:48 on ttys000 Davids-MacBook-Pro:~ dlm$ diskutil cs list CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found) | +-- Logical Volume Group C54A42C3-DA0A-4C17-BBA2-9BB9260F8451

Name:         Macintosh HD
Sequence:     1
Free Space:   0 B (0 B)
+-< Physical Volume 9C4C5A1B-DAAF-4051-A76B-E9FA3E89C2C3
|   ----------------------------------------------------
|   Index:    0
|   Disk:     disk1s2
|   Status:   Online
|   Size:     499248103424 B (499.2 GB)
+-> Logical Volume Family 895C81AF-44DC-476C-A727-85D809B65875
    Sequence:               11
    Encryption Status:      Unlocked
    Encryption Type:        AES-XTS
    Encryption Context:     Present
    Conversion Status:      Complete
    Has Encrypted Extents:  Yes
    Conversion Direction:   -none-
    +-> Logical Volume DB626CB5-399D-423E-8E40-16CC31C9F2D7
        Disk:               disk2
        Status:             Online
        Sequence:           4
        Size (Total):       498929332224 B (498.9 GB)
        Size (Converted):   -none-
        Revertible:         Yes (unlock and decryption required)
        LV Name:            Macintosh HD
        Volume Name:        Macintosh HD
        Content Hint:       Apple_HFS
jridgewell commented 12 years ago

From the output, it looks like you only have the primary harddrive encrypted. Was your secondary plugged in?

Dave12 commented 12 years ago

Both drives are internal. What I did was replace the optical drive with an SSD (using the OWC Data Doubler), then used Carbon Copy Cloner to to move the system files and all apps from the internal HHD to the SSD. I left my home directory and files on the HHD. So the machine now boots off the SSD and loads all apps from the SSD, but all my Home folder files are still on the HHD.

I had enabled FileVault on the HHD before cloning it to the SSD. And I presume the HDD is still encrypted. When I check system preferences for the SSD boot drive, it indicates FileVault is turned off for the SSD drive.

Dave12 commented 12 years ago

Well, both drives are internal - and so plugged in and are both running. In short, I replaced my optical drive with an internal SSD, transferred (using Carbon Copy Cloner) the OS and all my applications to the SSD but left my Home folder on the internal HHD. SO I boot off the internal SSD and load all apps from the SSD but access my Home folder files off the HHD.

When I look in System Preferences it tells me that FileVault is NOT turned on for the SSD. I presume the HHD is srtill encrypted.

Does that make sense?

jridgewell commented 12 years ago

The output you posted is telling me otherwise. It seems your still loading from the HDD, not the SSD (Assuming you're HDD is 500GB and your SSD is not). Make sure you have selected your SSD from the Startup Disk preference pane, and try loading up that way.

Dave12 commented 12 years ago


The startup disk preference pane lists ONLY option as the SSD. Plus, I've deleted all the directories and files on the HHD other than those within the home directory. In other words, the Applications folder, the Library folder and the System folder on the HHD are all empty. So don't understand how the machine could be booting off the HHD.

Plus, the machine is dramatically faster in booting and in opening apps - which suggests to me that it is running the OS and the apps off the SSD.

jridgewell commented 12 years ago

Could you dump the output of diskutil list?

Dave12 commented 12 years ago

Of course. And BTW, I truly do appreciate your willingness to help me with this... If it helps, what I have is a 500GB HHD that came with the MBP and a 120 GB SSD I installed which is called OWC

Davids-MacBook-Pro-2:~ dlm$ diskutil list /dev/disk0


0: GUID_partition_scheme *120.0 GB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS OWC SSD 119.7 GB disk0s2 /dev/disk1


0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk1 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1 2: Apple_CoreStorage 499.2 GB disk1s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk1s3 /dev/disk2


0: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD *498.9 GB disk2

jridgewell commented 12 years ago

Ok, from the two outputs: Only the HDD is encrypted (and is being unlocked by something...) The SDD is the boot volume (and is not encrypted).

This is the exact same setup that I currently have, the only thing that I can think of being a problem is the passphrase used to unlock the disk. Try changing it with diskutil cs changeVolumePassphrase DB626CB5-399D-423E-8E40-16CC31C9F2D7. Run the uninstaller once (to make sure Unlock is gone), then run the installer and use the new passphrase.