jridgewell / Unlock

Unlock multiple Core Storage encrypted volumes at boot.
MIT License
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My external disk is opened read-only #7

Closed ahiemstra closed 12 years ago

ahiemstra commented 12 years ago

I had to re-install OSX and now UNLOCK is not working properly in my view.

Previously I added disk encryption on an existing disk. What happened was that at boot time I was first asked for the Disk Password. Then I would unlock and show me a list of accounts. I think that at the same time, the boot process was continuing and unlocked my data drive. So by the time I entered the password for my user, its disk was unlocked.

But now I set up OSX into an encrypted volume. The behavior is different now. When I boot I immediately get a list of accounts. For me this means that the system is not booting yet, because the disk is still unlocked. This is the small boot program that is running and which is aware of the accounts on the system. When I now enter the password of my user with its home on an external disk, I think the system immediately start booting AND logging in my user.

The result is that the Data drive with the user folder is mounted read-only.

I also have a 2nd administrator with a home directory on the boot drive. When I log in with that user first, then log off and log in with the user with the home folder on the external drive, things run fine.

To me this kind of looks like a race condition that goes on? Do you know of this issue? Can it be resolved?

I also noticed that when installing UNLOCK, the data disk with the home folder of my user is the last of 4 drives for which the program is asking the passphrase. And in the console I can see it is the last one being unlocked. Is this a race condition and would it help if my Data drive was the first one to be unlocked?

jridgewell commented 12 years ago

From what you describe, you've installed FileVault 2 onto the main drive. (FileVault 2 is what is immediately asking you to login.)

As for the problem, it is a race condition. Unfortunately, there is no way around it. We just have to hope Unlock is getting loaded before the system tries to open your user's directory.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling, see if that helps the problem. (Unlock's install may have been corrupted when you reinstalled OSX)