jriosdev / iOSDropDown

Drop Down Menu for iOS With Search And Other Awesome Customisation
MIT License
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dropdown list is not showing when I am adding dropdown textfield on awakefromnib on a custom view class #134

Open vipin-prabhakaran opened 3 months ago

vipin-prabhakaran commented 3 months ago

I am trying to add 3 dropdown textfields on a custom view class like this

import iOSDropDown class Profiledetails: UIView,UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource {

and on this override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib()

} I added dropdown textfield with options ,but when selecting no list is showing up ,when I checked in showlist

public func showList() { if parentController == nil { parentController = parentViewController } backgroundView.frame = parentController?.view.frame ?? backgroundView.frame pointToParent = getConvertedPoint(self, baseView: parentController?.view) parentController?.view.insertSubview(backgroundView, aboveSubview: self). parent controller I am getting it as nil ,but the same code in viewdidload is working fine in another view controller in storyboard .is there anything wrong in doing in awakefromnib.can anyone help me with this to fix the issue