jrjohansson / version_information

IPython magic command for showing version information for dependency modules in a notebook.
54 stars 17 forks source link

Needs new pypi release, but project seems abandoned #17

Closed leebrian closed 3 years ago

leebrian commented 4 years ago

This is a really useful project and want to help keep it updated.

I want to use it in my class this semester, but the latest version (1.0.3 from July 2015) is incompatible with the latest version of python, 3.8.

It's a simple bug and easy fix and there's already PR (#16) based on an issue opened back in May (#15) waiting to fix by replacing the use of the cgi package that was deprecated in python 3.2 back in 2011. But I don't think this project is actively maintained.

It's a wonderfully simple and useful project so it doesn't need lots of development, but does need a new package released with this change.

I am really grateful to @jrjohansson for making this package, but also don't know your plans on whether you will update it and don't want to assume or put pressure on you.

Before I fork this and publish the "version_information2" package, crediting this project and explaining the need for two, I thought I would ask if I could help you in any way to put out a new release and update the package on pypi. I think having an updated package to make it usable again is preferred to having a forked package.

It looks like the project hasn't had any updated in 5 years. If if can help or if you plan on making a new release with this fix, would you please let me know. If not, I'll work on a version_information2.

wjcapehart commented 4 years ago

I concur with Brian Lee and appreciate the work that Ahmed Salhin has done to address the issue.

I did, however, find a small problem in applying Ahmed's changes when implemented in Jupyter notebooks with the escape() object applied to a string. I have sent this to Ahmed rather than Robert so any changes can be done under one contributor.


ahmedsalhin commented 3 years ago

@leebrian @wjcapehart for some reasons I missed this discussion and this PR, apologies!. Now merged.

versae commented 3 years ago

Really useful project. Any chance of getting #16 merged and published in a new PyPI release?

wjcapehart commented 3 years ago

While dealing with a migration to JupyterLab, I'm seeing that the rendering of the tables, while working the Jupyter and Colab Notebooks, are not working in Jupyter Lab. Has anyone else seen this?

bjmorgan commented 3 years ago

Just to add to this thread: @leebrian at what point is it reasonable to decide this project has been abandoned? PR (#16) has now been waiting for nearly a year for review.

leebrian commented 3 years ago

It seems abandoned to me and that's perfectly fine with me and I'm grateful that @jrjohansson made it open source so there's still a chance to modify it.

I plan on creating a new package and submitting to pypi and it's on my list of todos, but haven't thought about it much since my hard dependency is for a class that starts in August. I plan on forking and posting in the next few months and will post back here with a link to the continued version that I'll support (until I don't any more). I've been trying to figure out a way that it's not called "version_information2" in pypi though but I think we're stuck.

wjcapehart commented 3 years ago

Robert really made a nice resource here to help in replicability of code as versions change. It would be a shame for this to shatter into a collection of private patches.

I am not aware of the procedures for spinning up abandoned packages. But we do have a couple forks that Ahmed and I started with. My stopping point as I mention above is compatibility in the creating of HTML tables in Jupyter Lab (which is where my community wants us to go, rather than with just the Jupyter Notebooks.) If that can be fixed, we may have Version 2.8 or Version 3!


leebrian commented 3 years ago

I think it will be most useful to try to avoid having lots of forks with users stuck trying to figure out which one they should use instead of the original.

If y'all already have a project you want to commit to maintaining and want to submit that to pypi, then that's fantastic and I'd rather just use yours than try to maintain a different version. I just want to make sure students can pull a functioning project out of pypi and have no preference for where they pull it.

wjcapehart commented 3 years ago

I do have a (not entirely) helpful update on the JupyterLab issue. This seems to be from the _regrhtml display option. While the JupyterLab output using this library will feature a nice HTML table in the export-as-html approach (same for export-as-PDF via Latex) my research has people recommending _regrsvg for the Jupyter Lab environment.

(Citation: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/5589)

I'm a climate scientist, not a computer scientist so I don't trust myself to move forward with any corrections here and my results from tinkering so far with it have not born fruit.

leebrian commented 3 years ago

OK, so I finally forked this over to https://github.com/leebrian/version_information and will be bringing over PR contributions from others (thanks) to get this working in python 3.8 and 3.9. Then I plan on submitting this to pypi as "version_information2" (very clever name, eh) as I'm not sure I'm comfortable with trying to navigate package transfers and all that.

While I'm kind of worried whether @jrjohansson is ok all these years later, I'm super grateful he made this little utility so want it to be usable with current (and future) versions.

leebrian commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much to @jrjohansson . I was able to reach him by email and he granted me permission here and on pypi, so PR #19 pushed a new release to pypi and a fixed version should now work in python 3.9 and 3.8. Please test it out and let me know if there's anything else.