jrkerns / pylinac

An image analysis library for medical physics
MIT License
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Las Vegas #201

Closed Zarita78 closed 5 years ago

Zarita78 commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I found this when trying to analyse a Las Vegas image. It seems that the routine is not able to place the ROIs correctly on the image. I attach the pdf obtained. Las Vegas_20190721_D.pdf

Thanks very much.

jrkerns commented 5 years ago

Sadly, the planar imaging module has been more trouble than it's worth. Pylinac has always tried to subscribe to the idea that the user shouldn't have to add extra information (like the angle). However, given the inability to correctly analyze these images on a non-negligble number of images I will be adding additional parameters to the analyze methods of the planar imaging classes in v2.3 to manually override the angle.

Zarita78 commented 5 years ago

I understand but I don't think it's a big issue for Las Vegas phantom, as it's provided with a sticker on it showing how to position it on the couch. Therefore, the patterns would be always on the same position unless the physicist/technician is not placing the phantom in the right position. But I clearly see that it might an issue for Leeds TOR18FG. Thanks a lot and waiting for the next version then.

jrkerns commented 5 years ago

Yeah it'd be nice to have people do things the way they're supposed to. Here's a quick plot of LV images in my repo of images where each row is a separate clinic's images (yes I know there's a few that aren't; it was just a quick script for this purpose). As with most other phantoms, each clinic is consistent within itself, but can vary between clinics.


Zarita78 commented 5 years ago

Ok, I get you now :). I'm a physicist and as you well say on your website... I'm only know how to program on Matlab... yet. Over the years, I have been using different methods to corroborate the results of my routines. Lately, I was using pylinac to do so... Always with really good agreement but for FlatSym... I've checked a good few times my routines and I read your code, I'm capable to follow to some extend...I'm not able to reproduce your results and going crazy! So I'd like to ask a favour, do you mind sharing the points of the 80% field profiles (vertical or horizontal, or both) you get before applying the formula for a Varian system? If it is a lot to ask, I understand. Many thanks in advance.

jrkerns commented 5 years ago

This is probably the function you're interested in.

You can also play around more directly by doing something like this: from pylinac.core import profile, image img = image.load(...) prof = profile.SingleProfile(img[400, :] # change as needed to position of interest (left_idx, right_idx) = prof.field_edges()

Zarita78 commented 5 years ago

Thanks very much. I will try that.