I was looking to the bb_shift_instructions() function. The function currently provides numerical values that are correct, but the units indicated are inconsistent. The couch positions (couch_vrt, couch_lat, couch_lng) are defined in centimeters, but the output for the new couch coordinates is labeled as "mm" (millimeters).
Sorry for the inconveniences, I show the function I'm refering to just below, and the change I suggest to make.
couch_vrt : float
The current couch vertical position in cm.
couch_lng : float
The current couch longitudinal position in cm.
couch_lat : float
The current couch lateral position in cm.
sv = self.bb_shift_vector
x_dir = "LEFT" if sv.x < 0 else "RIGHT"
y_dir = "IN" if sv.y > 0 else "OUT"
z_dir = "UP" if sv.z > 0 else "DOWN"
move = f"{x_dir} {abs(sv.x):2.2f}mm; {y_dir} {abs(sv.y):2.2f}mm; {z_dir} {abs(sv.z):2.2f}mm"
if all(val is not None for val in [couch_vrt, couch_lat, couch_lng]):
new_lat = round(couch_lat + sv.x / 10, 2)
new_vrt = round(couch_vrt + sv.z / 10, 2)
new_lng = round(couch_lng + sv.y / 10, 2)
move += f"\nNew couch coordinates (mm): VRT: {new_vrt:3.2f}; LNG: {new_lng:3.2f}; LAT: {new_lat:3.2f}"
return move
I was looking to the bb_shift_instructions() function. The function currently provides numerical values that are correct, but the units indicated are inconsistent. The couch positions (couch_vrt, couch_lat, couch_lng) are defined in centimeters, but the output for the new couch coordinates is labeled as "mm" (millimeters).
Sorry for the inconveniences, I show the function I'm refering to just below, and the change I suggest to make.
I would say that move should be: