jrl-umi3218 / Tasks

The Tasks library is designed to make real-time control for kinematics tree and list of kinematics tree.
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ceres-solver backend #30

Closed ahundt closed 7 years ago

ahundt commented 7 years ago

http://ceres-solver.org/ now supports constraints. How practical do you think a Tasks backend would be?

haudren commented 7 years ago

I am not sure what to mean by "practical" but I can help: I see that Ceres is typically used as a non-linear least squares, large-scale problem solver. I think that using it for our (relatively) small scale, linear least squares problems is probably not the best application. However, if it manages to perform better than LSSOL it would be great!

Now, how to do this? You need to add two files, CeresQPSolver.{cpp,h} in which you define:

Note that there will often be a lot of updateMatrix and solve() calls in between updateSize() calls, thus you should do all your allocation and expensive transformations at that time.

I do not know Ceres very well, but here are my thoughts:

Note that we are still thinking about how to make Tasks more easily expansible, so if you have any remarks/suggestions, feel free to ask :) I think that you might run into trouble here, as we usually manage directly Q and c matrices instead of relying on the actual jacobians of the linear forms.

For example, when manipulating SetPointTasks you will notice that:

Q = J^T * dimW * J
C = -J^T*W*(kp*eval() - kv*speed() - normalAcc)

For ceres to work, I think you have to return:

error = kp*eval() - kv*speed() - normalAcc
jac = J
gergondet commented 7 years ago

Few additional notes:

  1. CeresQPSolver should derive from GenQPSolver
  2. You should edit the solver map in src/GenQPSolver.cpp (line 55), something like {"Ceres", allocateQP<CeresQPSolver>}
  3. You can then use the Ceres solver by calling solver("Ceres") on your QPSolver instance
  4. Alternatively, you can also change the default solver in src/GenQPSolver.cpp (l. 41) to Ceres. This will also let the unit tests run using this solver.
ahundt commented 7 years ago

Wow, what great explanations! Sorry, I was just evaluating the possibility. Perhaps these two comments should be put in a doc explaining how to add a new backend?

I had thought of asking this in the past but decided against it at the time, but now there is constrained optimization and specific examples where it is used for a variety of robotics algorithms http://ceres-solver.org/nnls_tutorial.html#other-examples.

haudren commented 7 years ago

Yes we should probably add those remarks to the wiki... I'll see to it Monday.

For Ceres, unfortunately I'm not sure it really supports constraints: what I gather from a quick look at the slam examples is that they are approximating the actual constraints by a minimisation of the error. The only constraints they seem to enforce are bounds constraints, that are not sufficient for our needs. If you can point me in the documentation where you can actually ask to enforce Ax <= b, that would be great.

Note : it is also possible to approximate constraints by non linear cost functions, but this would require multiple iterations.

ahundt commented 7 years ago


Ceres solves robustified bounds constrained non-linear least squares problems of the form: [...constrained least squares equation...]

Don't know how to link mathjax so just follow the link.

Oh haha yeah Ax <= b... that's quite an important part... everything there is just constraints on vectors like L <= x <= U, not matrices and a vector, whoops!

aescande commented 7 years ago

Well, it would be possible to solve problems with general inequality constraints: First transform

  min. f
  s.t. l<= Ax <=u

into (with I, the identity matrix)

  min. f
  s.t. Ax - Is = 0
       l <= s <= u

Note that in this second formulation, s is also a variable. Second, use the Ceres LocalParameterization to implement +(x,\delta x) = x + P\delta x where P is the projector onto the nullspace of [A -I] (typically P = Z Z^T for Z a basis of the nullspace, obtained by QR decomposition of [A -I]^T). You can then solve

  min. f
  s.t. l <= s <= u

with this parameterization, starting from a solution of Ax = s (if Ceres requires the initial point to be within the bounds, it might not be trivial to find such a point, but it is feasible, by minimizing ||Ax-s||^2 over the same bounds). However, this solution should not be very competitive from a computation time point of view.

Note that this approach extends trivially to encompass linear equality constraints.

ahundt commented 7 years ago

Yeah convex problems of the form we solve here can even be represented as unconstrained minimization, I guess performance is the main issue.

I bet it is worth asking on the Ceres mailing list if there are plans for the type of inequalities we would need or what kind of performance could be expected, in case there is some internal detail that may be more informative than the API alone. I put in to join it.

ahundt commented 7 years ago

Posted the question: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/ceres-solver/IIm6msf8jcI/discussion

ahundt commented 7 years ago

They replied quickly, it isn't supported. Author said he wants to implement it eventually, which means it could be quite a while. Perhaps I should close this issue? Should some of your notes be added to the readme.md for adding a new backend?

haudren commented 7 years ago

Yes I think we can now close this issue, I added some notes here, feel free to contribute :)