jrl-umi3218 / mc_openrtm

Interface between OpenRTM and mc_rtc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Error: RTC "PDcontroller" cannot be created #35

Closed EthanZengg closed 1 year ago

EthanZengg commented 1 year ago

Dear Sir,

I am trying to make a new project , now I have my robot VRML model and a simulation script . But when I start the project , there are something wrong :

RTC "PDcontroller" cannot be created by the RTC manager.
 RTC module file: "/usr/lib/choreonoid-1.8/rtc/PDcontroller.so"
 Init function: PDcontrollerInit
 option: ?exec_cxt.periodic.rate=1000000&exec_cxt.periodic.type=ChoreonoidExecutionContext
Error:  RTC "PDcontroller" cannot be created.
RTC "WalkerController(Robot)0" has been created.
Restoring PythonSimScriptItem "sim_mc.py"
loading file:////usr/share/OpenHRP-3.1/robot/WALKER/main.wrl
Humanoid node
Joint node base_link
  Segment node base_link
  Joint node head_j1
    Segment node head_l1

the terminator is shown below:

PDcontroller0: onInitialize() 
omniORB: (0) 2023-04-11 09:29:14.578350: From endpoint: giop:tcp: Detected GIOP 1.2 protocol error in input message. giopImpl12.cc:171. Connection is closed.
[KalmanFilter0] onInitialize()
omniORB: (4) 2023-04-11 09:29:23.968544: From endpoint: giop:tcp: Detected GIOP 1.2 protocol error in input message. giopImpl12.cc:171. Connection is closed.
[StateHolder0] onInitialize()
StateHolder: dt = 0.005
[DataLogger0] onInitialize()

Error: RTC "PDcontroller" cannot be created , and my PDcontroller.conf.choreonoid is shown below:

exec_cxt.periodic.type: ChoreonoidExecutionContext
exec_cxt.periodic.rate: 1000000
nStep: 5
dt: 0.001
ref_dt: 0.005
model: file:////usr/share/OpenHRP-3.1/robot/WALKER/main.wrl
pdgains_sim_file_name: PDgains_sim.dat

Is this a problem with my VRML model?

Hope to get your reply , and thank you very much.

Sincerely, Ethan