jrmak / FNNR-ABM-Primate

An agent-based model (with a web simulation) for Guizhou "golden" monkey population and movements using the Mesa Python framework; thesis project + human/GTGP expansion; Summer 2018-Winter 2019
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About hard-coded paths in .py files #80

Open lccycc opened 4 years ago

lccycc commented 4 years ago

Hi dear author,

I'm trying to run your amazing project on my laptop. Seems like there are a few codes that contains hard-coded local paths, for example, in FNNR-ABM-Primate/ABM/composite_30.py

directory = r'C:\Users\Judy\Desktop\Fertility Runs\3.5 GTGP New'

Shall I also modify all these paths, or they are not affecting the running?


jrmak commented 4 years ago

Hi! This is a few months later, but I am so sorry that I didn't respond earlier. Yes, if anything is hardcoded, you should be able to replace the directory listed at the beginning with a directory of your own based off your own results. In the case of composite_30.py, it should take a folder containing your 30 (or 2, or 10) different model run results that have 'human' and '.csv' in their name (that is, the model output for human-based data) and compile them into a single summary folder. Apologies for not commenting my code better.

For future reference, if anyone has a question about any of the code or documentation and I don't answer here, please feel free to email me. I've now made it public from my profile. Again, apologies for not answering sooner.