jrmuizel / pdf-extract

A rust library for extracting content from pdfs
364 stars 73 forks source link

panic : missing colorspace [67, 83, 112] #67

Closed nbittich closed 10 months ago

nbittich commented 10 months ago

For some pdf, I get the following panic: missing colorspace [67, 83, 112]

Is there a way to mitigate this?

jrmuizel commented 10 months ago

Can you link to or attach the pdf?

nbittich commented 10 months ago

Sure, here it is: dummycv.pdf

thread 'index_pdf::test::test_buggy_pdf' panicked at 'missing colorspace [67, 83, 112]', /home/nbittich/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/pdf-extract-0.6.5/src/lib.rs:1313:85
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
test index_pdf::test::test_buggy_pdf ... FAILED