It would be very helpful allowing timestamp generation functions like now_add, now_sub, just_passed to take delta parameter value as a duration, something like {{now_sub '5s'}}
Proposing to emit the mentioned timestamp functions output value as an int64/long representing the number of seconds/milliseconds/microseconds from January 1st, 1970 UTC. Desired epoch precision could be taken as an input parameter (defaulting to ms), something like {{just_passed '5s' 'ms'}}
this allows end user choosing the desired precision
in the case end user needs to format the epoch to a date, it can always do this in the client application. Eventually I propose to consider extending jr functions with a date formatting function which takes in input an epoch and a date format:
{{date_format '1727695554' 'RFC1123'}} which would output 'Mon, 30 Sep 2024 13:26:30 CEST'
using different dateformats to decide output